Literally Figuratively
I just ran straight into a fucking wall of Chem '91 in it's ELB form

Shit just got real...and slOw, and foggy/hazy.
Triatholon ended. 1 ELB of each pre98 bubba,skunk#2 x cindy99, grand master og .15 crumble dab, sour skywalker(farking delicious) .15 honneycomb dab, ELB chem91. ELBs were round 75% full. OG Cloud render all to just about darkbrown.
Quetzalcoatl --The leg you mean where like it feels so good to srtech them out, like restless legs, I don't know if its restless legs, I dont mean to insult anyone who has that all the time. I can't figure out any other way to describe it. I guess if I sit too long then get really vaped, the legs just make me want to lean back and stretch them out again and again, while the rest of me feels couch locked. I need to get off the interwebs now
THings I learned tonite:
1) You cannot fit a Cloud and packed ELB into your mobius while it has a glass dome and nail attached.
Didnt break anything, caught myself right prior as something just didn't feel right, then i noticed.
2)My WLK(weird little kettle) bubbler, will slide when put on a sloped surface,no breakage, but really really tested my vape reflexes.
3# Whoever the tool on a mmj review site that said chem91 is sativa dominant must really mean INDICA when he says sativa. NO heady at ALL, it;s like someone slowed everything down, almost like when I eat good medibles. To quote the witch in the Wizrd of Oz, "I'm fucking melting!" or something like that. I've
4)TheCloud will always be here for me even when i run around tahn' humping every oil rig, and mobile concentrate pen that's out there.
5)) This took way longer to do because if i didn't keep correcting my typing, you wouldn't be beab;e to reak a DMe ]\thnig iimm asyign.
6) Just cause you forgo flowers for oil for a good many months, does NOT mean your tolerance gets so out of whack that flowers cannot come back and vape-rape you, hard.
game over