I did post some thoughts in the E-Nano thread.
I absolutely love it, I am using about .05 or a bit less per load, get about 5, 6, maybe 8 good deep hits off it (over several hours), and feel way more stoned (not more "high", but a fuller, deep/wide effect) than when I use the NO2. And, I turn it on, come back in about 5 or so minutes, hit it, leave it on, and it's ready for the next one (usually between 30 & 60 minutes)... then I turn it off at bedtime.
I'm using the glass screened stem with a regular screen, haven't tried it with a water piece yet... did learn that I do okay with a really slow, gentle draw, so I haven't had the irritation I had with the NO2.
I'm fairly well stoned from a couple of hits of some chocolate chunk I put in my stem this morning (at 6am), had two hits off from before work, laid the stem down on my table (with a cap on it)... got home at 4:30, turned the dragon back on, and I've had two more hits off that stem, and I'm VAKED!!
Yes, I am vaked now.