Not vaked but very much baked. Cooked some oil and about 2 grams of ABV herb together. Ate it today.
I *stupidly* put some water into it because I wanted to wash out all of the residues from the pot. Made my shot taste sour and putrid. I almost spit out all of the liquid!
Held back. Very glad too. I have been elevated for over 9 hours! It didn't hit me until after 2 hours since I had ingested it. I have a sssssllloooowwww metabolism. The peak was very gradual, in fact, it took like 3 hours to get to it. When it did, damn it was intense. It totally shattered my sense of time. It felt as if my heart was beating to an entirely different beat, messing up my internal 'clock', or so it felt.
It did put me out stone cold though. Passed out for two hours and woke up thinking I had slept for 8 hours. Shit this was intense for a first edible experience.
Coming down now. Can't wait for next time!
Gonna vape some new herb with my cousin in a few minutes. See y'all in the sky.