So yesterday was Remembrance Day in Canada. A bunch of people attend functions in the morning, and then retreat to their local legions for a couple of drinks.
Not all vets go to these things. For many it's a trigger back to something that they'd rather not be reminded about. Mm changes that for many. I read anecdotes and get first hand stories, and I can't help but wonder why this treatment hadn't been available before... But I digress, as usual...
So walking to the cenotaph I was vaping. When we got closer I put it in pocket and drank from the gomug of coffee laced with tincture laced with dark rum... Ready, aye, ready, as they say in the Navy... Back was killing me from standing, so the coffee was done and off for a beverage. Wind up sitting with a border security guy and his wife, right next to a table full of RCMP fresh back from the same event.
To make a long story short I vaped 2 screens in there chatting away. When we left the dessert table was out and there was this beautiful bread pudding topped with pecans, sitting right next to a big tub of ice cream. So I grabbed a little paper plate, filled it full of both, grabbed a plastic knife from the bucket (all that was left) and my designated driver started driving us home. Finish everything, realise MV is missing... Back to the club... MV is right beside the ice cream, right where some id10t had left it. So grabbed another knife, and and ice cream and got the heck outta Dodge..
If any of y'all served, thanks for your service!
PS - bump