Bud vs. ABV Edibles Dosage


Well-Known Member
I've been cooking all of my bud lately, and have settled around 0.75g/day of hq bud divided into three doses in oatmeal cookies. However, I've never used ABV for cooking before, but I've got almost 70 grams saved up. When I cook with it, what would be a good estimated dosage considering my flower dosage? Ordered a stainless 9-cup moka pot today so should be able to infuse all 70 grams in 2 runs, just have to decide on a starting dosage and what I'm going to make with the infused coconut oil.



Well-Known Member
Can you please describe your technique for all your ABV.
Due to a meager supply, all my ABV is finished at 445 F. It still does the job in edibles.
What temp is your ABV vaped at?
Is it a consistent color/ what color?

IMO, there is a wide wide range of effects/strength for ABV from low temp vapers vs the 445 crowd.


Well-Known Member
The ABV has been vaped up to 410°F in my EQ with DDave mod and my Davinci Ascent. It's a medium brown color, nowhere near as dark as many I've seen but more of a cigarette tobacco color.



Well-Known Member
You need to follow the "low and slow" experimentation as edibles effect different folks very differently.

If your normal dose of virgin bud edibles is X, then I'd consider starting at 3X - 5X with ABV edibles.
For my 445 F ABV, it takes way more than vaping but it's been thoroughly vaped at 445 F.

I usually vape about 0.015 g and eating about 2 grams just gives a mild body high.
Your ABV likely has more goodies per gram.

Always better to to start too small and work up to ideal effects
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