
  1. E1011 Labs

    Elon Starter Kit | E1011 Labs

    E1011 Labs has created a new CBD delivery system unlike any other in the industry. Elon is the state-of-the-art, low-temp heating device intended to be used with Stems. Stems are premium CBD flower cartridges. These cartridges are made with paper instead of metal/plastic, which provides a more...
  2. acolyte

    High THC Shake?

    One dispensary near me has started offering shake for sale. For those who don't know, shake is the little crumbs, trichomes, and whatnot at the bottom of a big bag of cannabis after the big buds have been consumed. It's NOT trim, although sometimes there may be some sugar leaves mixed in...
  3. Treeburner

    Bud vs. ABV Edibles Dosage

    I've been cooking all of my bud lately, and have settled around 0.75g/day of hq bud divided into three doses in oatmeal cookies. However, I've never used ABV for cooking before, but I've got almost 70 grams saved up. When I cook with it, what would be a good estimated dosage considering my...
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