Yea, not sure why, but the real Bubblebags so outperform the generic bags I had before. Plus the cheap bags end up ripping.
OK, I have a dumb question. I am thinking of possibly picking up and oil rig. Now, I don't make oil, so I was wondering if bubble works well as a dab with a dome and nail? The bubble we produce is very nice and pure. It can be molded, stretched, etc. just like BHO type stuff.
I am just tired of the Eclipse Vape for our concentrates- it tastes like shit. And being a glass guy, I'd love a small rig if it works with this type of product. I'll probably post this somewhere else or start a new thread...
OK, I have a dumb question. I am thinking of possibly picking up and oil rig. Now, I don't make oil, so I was wondering if bubble works well as a dab with a dome and nail? The bubble we produce is very nice and pure. It can be molded, stretched, etc. just like BHO type stuff.
I am just tired of the Eclipse Vape for our concentrates- it tastes like shit. And being a glass guy, I'd love a small rig if it works with this type of product. I'll probably post this somewhere else or start a new thread...