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Boundless Technology on Instagram: "Coming soon 👀 - #bndlstech #newproductalert #newproductlaunch #newproductscomingsoon #newreleases #herbalwellness #herbalremedies #staytunedformore #happymonday #happymondays #happymondayeveryone"
195 likes, 31 comments - bndlstech on August 30, 2021: "Coming soon 👀 - #bndlstech #newproductalert #newproductlaunch #newproductscomingsoon #newreleases #herbalwellness #herbalremedies #staytunedformore #happymonday #happymondays #happymondayeveryone".

Don't know any information yet other than this post.
Coming very soon!
Boundless have always made solid vapes - so could be good.
What would you want in a new boundless unit?
@Boundless Vape Technology any more hints for us!