Boundless Tera

Bearded エーティーエム

The Vaping Beardalorian
What's up everyone? I absolutely LOVE my Tera. I've had it for a few weeks now. Had a few questions off the dome.

1. What are the best quality batteries to purchase after these "stock" ones go out down the road?

2. Do you have to choose Concentrates mode to vape Concentrates? I love lower temp to vape CBD Concentrates.

3. I've read about the S&B Mighty Oven screens being better for the Tera. Is this the right one to buy?

I appreciate any help I can get. I will be buying some different Stems for it soon too.


Well-Known Member
What's up everyone? I absolutely LOVE my Tera. I've had it for a few weeks now. Had a few questions off the dome.

1. What are the best quality batteries to purchase after these "stock" ones go out down the road?

2. Do you have to choose Concentrates mode to vape Concentrates? I love lower temp to vape CBD Concentrates.

3. I've read about the S&B Mighty Oven screens being better for the Tera. Is this the right one to buy?

I appreciate any help I can get. I will be buying some different Stems for it soon too.

It's a 5/8 mesh screen


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Company Rep
Bateries=Sony VT5 or LG HG2, both give longer session runs than standard batteries.

Temp= Whatever floats your boat, no rules apply but I would not recommend Concentrate Mode flor flowers, too close to combustion.

Screens= You get what you pay for, I have had a S&B fine screen in my Tera for nearly 2 years and not fell out once, cheap screens are great for my Vapcap tips through water, open weave compared to tight weave.:2c:
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Bearded エーティーエム

The Vaping Beardalorian
Bateries=Sony VT5 os LG HG2, both give longer session runs than standard natteries.

Temp= Whatever floats your boat, no rules apply but I would not recommend Concentrate Mode flor flowers, too close to combustion.

Screens= You get what you pay for, I have had a S&B fine screen in my Tera for nearly 2 years and not fell out once, cheap screens are great for my Vapcap tips through water, open weave compared to tight weave.:2c:

Awesome. Thanks for the help. And yeah, I definitely don't vape that high ever. So that's perfect. And as for the screens, I'll go with my original pick which is S&B screens.
Bearded エーティーエム,
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Bearded エーティーエム

The Vaping Beardalorian
Bearded エーティーエム,
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Well-Known Member
so i took my new tera v3 to a camping/music festival this past weekend. man do i love this vape ... i bought some s&b dosing capsules and they worked great! i used the glass mouthpiece for the most part (mainly because i felt it looked more like a nic vape with the glass mouthpiece).

the extra power of two batteries was great for quick heat up even with the dosing caps (i see more performance decrease when using dosing caps in the fog).

although the fog is a great vape it has definitely taken on a backup roll after getting the tera.

it is definitely a handful but the increased performance over the single battery fog is worth it.

now what i really wish is for someone to come up with a similar unit (with dosing caps) that is truly on demand like my milanaas ... it would be nice to grab a hit and put it away instead of having the four minute session (i know you can shut it off after each hit but that's kind of a pain).

i found the LG H2's to give me much longer usage than the batteries that came with the tera.


Bearded エーティーエム

The Vaping Beardalorian
If you have a drill and only use female jointed bongs, drill out 19/64 top(fits in Tera bowl), 21/64 bottom,

No drill sadly.

so i took my new tera v3 to a camping/music festival this past weekend. man do i love this vape ... i bought some s&b dosing capsules and they worked great! i used the glass mouthpiece for the most part (mainly because i felt it looked more like a nic vape with the glass mouthpiece).

the extra power of two batteries was great for quick heat up even with the dosing caps (i see more performance decrease when using dosing caps in the fog).

although the fog is a great vape it has definitely taken on a backup roll after getting the tera.

it is definitely a handful but the increased performance over the single battery fog is worth it.

now what i really wish is for someone to come up with a similar unit (with dosing caps) that is truly on demand like my milanaas ... it would be nice to grab a hit and put it away instead of having the four minute session (i know you can shut it off after each hit but that's kind of a pain).

i found the LG H2's to give me much longer usage than the batteries that came with the tera.


Very nice. I'm getting the Sony VTC5 batteries. Just overall sounds better. Imo though, herb capsules are a pain lol. Makes sense at times but I just don't deal with them. Plus your bowl still gets dirty over time with them.


Well-Known Member
Imo though, herb capsules are a pain lol. Makes sense at times but I just don't deal with them. Plus your bowl still gets dirty over time with them.

yeah the capsules are a bit of a pain in the ass to load ... but for out and about they are great ... finish one off ... pop it out ... pop in a fresh one and keep on keeping on!

Bearded エーティーエム

The Vaping Beardalorian
yeah the capsules are a bit of a pain in the ass to load ... but for out and about they are great ... finish one off ... pop it out ... pop in a fresh one and keep on keeping on!

Agreed. I can see that being an easier thing. I mostly use POTV ONE on the go because the Tera just a little too much to take on the go.


Waistband Optimizer
Staff member
If you have a drill and only use female jointed bongs, drill out 19/64 top(fits in Tera bowl), 21/64 bottom,

@VAPEHUNTER did this exact Mod for my Tera. Reading @LesPlenty 's enthusiasm for this vape is what caused me to buy one. I've done all of the Mods he recommends and they have increased my enjoyment of this device.
I own or have owned other black box vapes - Mighty, Fury2, Fierce and have tried MV1. Tera is the one that gets the most use and its not even close. I ended up selling the Fury2 and Fierce, loaned out the Mighty.

I'm so happy with LesPlenty's recommendation on this I need to find out what others you like.

Bearded エーティーエム

The Vaping Beardalorian
so i took my new tera v3 to a camping/music festival this past weekend. man do i love this vape ... i bought some s&b dosing capsules and they worked great! i used the glass mouthpiece for the most part (mainly because i felt it looked more like a nic vape with the glass mouthpiece).

the extra power of two batteries was great for quick heat up even with the dosing caps (i see more performance decrease when using dosing caps in the fog).

although the fog is a great vape it has definitely taken on a backup roll after getting the tera.

it is definitely a handful but the increased performance over the single battery fog is worth it.

now what i really wish is for someone to come up with a similar unit (with dosing caps) that is truly on demand like my milanaas ... it would be nice to grab a hit and put it away instead of having the four minute session (i know you can shut it off after each hit but that's kind of a pain).

i found the LG H2's to give me much longer usage than the batteries that came with the tera.


Hey brotha. Just throwing some help out there to ya. I was looking up the dosing caps and found this. It's I guess a holder for them but also the lid helps to load them. Just a thought for ya. The caps do look good I might try them out at the house.
Bearded エーティーエム,


Well-Known Member
Hey brotha. Just throwing some help out there to ya. I was looking up the dosing caps and found this. It's I guess a holder for them but also the lid helps to load them. Just a thought for ya. The caps do look good I might try them out at the house.
that's exactly what i have/use ... except i didn't know you could use the lid as a loader!

a side note ... i also brought one of the small tightvac containers that @PuffItUp includes with purchases along for the spent capsules ... it's easy to just dump the used capsules right into the tightvac (because those damn things are hot)! and then grab a new one from the dosing cap holder ... i would definitely get confused on which one i had used if i put them back into the holder lol!

Bearded エーティーエム

The Vaping Beardalorian
that's exactly what i have/use ... except i didn't know you could use the lid as a loader!

a side note ... i also brought one of the small tightvac containers that @PuffItUp includes with purchases along for the spent capsules ... it's easy to just dump the used capsules right into the tightvac (because those damn things are hot)! and then grab a new one from the dosing cap holder ... i would definitely get confused on which one i had used if i put them back into the holder lol!

Haha yeah that would suck to get the hot one lmao. I'll definitely try the caps when I can. Do you take the oven screen out when using the caps?
Bearded エーティーエム,
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yeah the capsules are a bit of a pain in the ass to load ... but for out and about they are great ... finish one off ... pop it out ... pop in a fresh one and keep on keeping on!
S&B need to make this with a bit larger capacity, 8 caps used to match the battery, now I run out of caps before power, I prepacked 50 caps for use in my Mighty and Tera om my last big camping trip, it was a pain when they all ran out, so convenient.:nod:

Do you take the oven screen out when using the caps?
I don't, that is how you wear out screens.:myday:

I need to find out what others you like.
WoodScents and Plenty (both modified of course, those and the Tera are my top 3 herb vapes)):evil:


S&B need to make this with a bit larger capacity, 8 caps used to match the battery, now I run out of caps before power, I prepacked 50 caps for use in my Mighty and Tera om my last big camping trip, it was a pain when they all ran out, so convenient.:nod:

I don't, that is how you wear out screens.:myday:

WoodScents and Plenty (both modified of course, those and the Tera are my top 3 herb vapes)):evil:
What size drillbit did you use to drill out your water piece adapter?
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Look 10 posts up,
Thanks! I wasn’t paying attention. I love my Tera. I’ve had it since this July. A few weeks ago I noticed my unit stop performing the way I know it could. I sent it back and they’re sending me a brand new one.
Super excited to get this back into the rotation. My rotation changes a lot but I’m trying to settle down. The Tera has definitely found a permanent spot in my lineup.
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Holy shit!!!

I have been experimenting with different stems and mouthpieces for my Tera. I’ve been using my XLR8 stem with my Splinter Z and have not use my DDave cooling mod as much because I’m not a big fan of the screens.

So last night I took my Tera water piece adapter unscrewed it to turn it in to a female adapter instead of a male adapter. I pulled out my DDave Splinter Z cooling mod and inserted it into the Tera female water piece adapter. The hits were so STRONG and COOL!!! To experiment I took the temperature up to 428°. I didn’t feel the least bit of harshness and I was taking HUGE RIPS! I have a lot of odds and ends from various vaporizers that I’ve owned. No other stem has came close to cooling on my Tera as well as my DDaves mod!

It’s not a little cooler or slightly better it’s an absolute game changer! If you have it definitely give it a shot I will never utilize any other mouthpiece again.
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