How did this one go? Very curious to hear how your test went. Your last one seemed like a blast!It sure is, about to start LG battery test.![]()
How did this one go? Very curious to hear how your test went. Your last one seemed like a blast!It sure is, about to start LG battery test.![]()
Hey guys I'm really torn between the Tera and Solo 2. They both seem like excellent vapes . Anyone have any experience using both of them? What would you recommend?
Hey bud, thanks so much for the detailed response.You're right I should elaborate more on what I'm looking for. I currently own a Fury 2 . I'm looking for a vape that can be used in bigger groups and one that is definitely portable.Hey fifa city. I haven't tried the solo but I do own an extreme q. Probably not a direct comparison but I believe certain materials are a major factor in the flavour profiles certain vapes seem to have.
I liked the extreme q and got along with it but one thing that I was always super concerned about was glass. Nothing ever broke on me. The other thing was the heat soak it needed when warming up and then once hot the glass was hot for a while so I needed a heat proof mat and then a test tube clamp to be able to pick the bowl up.
I do really love the flavour of vaping through glass but moved on to a volcano for my desktop. The Q gets used now and again when there's a new strain around for a more 'pure' flavour. Volcano is just easier to maintain and more straightforward for what I want.
You can use the solo glass stems with the tera and the flavour is great and also a lot cooler than the stock tera mouthpiece's.
I wrote a few posts back about the glass easy flow adapter that is a 3Rd party accessory for the mighty. I would say that's my favourite flavour from any vape I've tried but it's tricky at times. This is closely followed by the tera glass mouthpiece that comes as standard - I'm taking convenience in to consideration too here. The solo stem is a little tricky for me to be considered a permanent solution.
I've heard that boundless are working on new mouthpieces for the Tera plus there's the ed's tnt stems that are also 3Rd party - these are made of wood and also let you microdose although I'm not entirely sure how as I don't have one yet. They're also working on dosing pods similar to the s&b ones these do fit the tera but I find the mouthpiece/lid sticks out a little when I use these. Other people haven't had that issue. I have heard that the boundless ones will be stainless steel over s&b's aluminium. They will be mire robust and fit nicer. With the solo you can buy a couple of stems pre load them. Put some caps on and go off on your merry way if that's what you want.
I think you need to think or elaborate a bit more about what you want from your purchase? Do you own any vapes?what do you enjoy, what are you really looking for from these pieces? I'm sure you'll already have one in mind over the other or something that's going to be a deal breaker. Also wait to see how things drop for black Friday cause price will definitely be a big factor.
I've had a really positive experience from purchasing the tera and from boundless as a company themselves. I was reading these last few posts and thinking I need to use my Tera through a waterpiece again. This is really where it excels for me, big hits! Another plus for the Tera that it includes the waterpipe adapter as standard. It's rare that I see that.
Sorry it's not the direct comparison you were asking about but I hope I've given you something to help your decision or something to go back and have a look at.
Also if you do instagram boundless do a stream weekly on a Friday 4pm LA time. I missed last week because of daylight savings time. Check your timezone tune in and ask questions - everyone is really helpful on there. It's really great to see boundless/Eric get involved with the community.
I hope someone on here can give you a direct comparison and guide your decision.
I have a q and a Tera. The Tera fully packed will rock me (6-7), but get myself and another person well toasted.(5) it's also really easy to clean, and the water pipe adapter is the best for getting huge tasteful ripsHey bud, thanks so much for the detailed response.You're right I should elaborate more on what I'm looking for. I currently own a Fury 2 . I'm looking for a vape that can be used in bigger groups and one that is definitely portable.
Taste isn't my main concern but I rather not taste plastic when smoking . What I really want is something powerful that hits like a truck and has huge clouds. From my understanding, the Tera is more powerful than the Arizer portables but the Arizers have a way better taste. The only concern I have is of people who say they've done the burn offs and still report a plastic/silicone taste when vaping on the Tera.
I know the Q is a desktop but how does it compare to the Tera? Im assuming the Q gets you a lot higher than the Tera? How is the efficiency?
I'm looking for a vape that can be used in bigger groups and one that is definitely portable.
I know the Q is a desktop but how does it compare to the Tera? Im assuming the Q gets you a lot higher than the Tera? How is the efficiency?
Yeah I was mostly leaning towards thw Tera for group sessions . It seems to have a much bigger bowl than the arizer. And they both seem to be equally effective.Efficiency wise on the q it depends. If I did a basket load I could use 0.05g and be pretty satisfied. I don't like using the standard cyclone bowl as there's always some small amount of herb falls through to the heater and sits on top, then I worry about combustion. When I did use it it was quite efficient but I feel like the tera wins hands down in baking/roasting the herb. I also use a screen on top of the tera for smaller loads but never measured what I put in. More than the 0.05 though which is my standard dose in the pods. It handles them very well although I feel a step or two behind the mighty.
If you're looking for a group vape I'd vote Tera if you read above/previous @LesPlenty is testing batteries and getting some pretty impressive sessions. I'd be asleep before I got half way through what he did and this is (sort of) comparing it to the plenty by storz and bickel, I have one of those too and save it for when I have company or just want to bast off.
I had an idea of a power supply for the Tera so it could be used without batteries, still working on this although I'm working a lot of overtime and have done for a few months so things have gone on the backburner for a while. If that works I think the tera could be an awesome multi purpose vape. Kinda like a desktop/portable hybrid.
For me for a group session definitely Tera perhaps with a waterpiece like the sneaky Pete ones I've seen on instagram. I have a 'grizzly' 14mm bubbler and really enjoy using that. They are quite similar but the grizzly is cheaper. I think only one person on here has mentioned and funkiness from the waterpipe mouthpiece. Being honest I never really noticed that much of a taste with the silicone. Either I got lucky or my taste buds/lungs aren't as advanced or sensitive as other people on here. I could imagine the fury and solo being quite similar in their profiles and with the solo being just glass in the airway there's less chance of any unwanted flavour there.
I don't know what else I can add, I really don't want to push you towards the tera and it not be right for you. It is really subjective. I'm really happy with mine.
Tera over the solo for groups for sure.I'm really torn between the Tera and Solo 2.
The micro-dozer, as I call it is the reason I contacted Ed about making the pieces in the first place. I wanted ,kind of, a portable log vape. The Tera, with Ed's MP, delivers just that!!!I really like Ed's stem, you can just pack his curved screen in the stem for microdoses, or pack the Tera as normal or do what I do and pack both for a macro dose.I can use Ed's stem on flat out (220C) and it is still ok for heat, not as easy as a bong, but still good!
Quite a lot actually and you can just pack Ed's stem and not the Tera for smaller doses(I pack both cause I am a pig)Ed’s TNT piece up’s the airflow a bit
Sounds like what I’m after tbh , I really might have to get one Black Friday