I don't waste power, only when new do I run a vape empty(or after a deep clean), I would not recommend testing the way I do, not unless you are like me and love chuckin' a whitey.
With the VT6 batteries, the first bowl went 3x5 minute and the next 6 bowls were 2x5 mins each, I actually had a 5-10 minute break after the 12th cycle to have a little lie down on the cool tiles(even though it was cold) then went back for the last 3.
The Tera battery test followed the same pattern but no lie down/rest for the 13 x5 minute seshes, I did have a shower before the missus got home to straighten up a bit though.
I am vaping my own grown and cured Incredible Bulk(this was 10 months old/cured to 62%, no Boveda good gear)
So, yes, every bowl was full and at 220 C (max temp) and I loved it, the Tera is great for micro dosing, there have even been a couple of nights I did not need my Plenty before bed I was so fucked up, I mean medicated