Unfortunately, I appear to be one of the unfortunate ones who received a defective Tera. I charged mine up and took off the mouthpiece and did the whole flashlight thing. I put nothing in the chamber. I started at 400f and heard a very distinct but brief sizzle followed by a tiny puff of smoke and a few trailing wisps. After that not much action for a good 30 sec, I then switched to concentrate mode which took it up to 500f and that’s when smoke came pouring out, I didn’t wait the full 5 minutes but it was a constant stream for a minute then I lighty breathed into the air intake and a huge amount of smoke came out the mouthpiece end. It was so much I got worried something was burning inside so I turned it off a pulled out the batteries.
I am a Boundless fan and enjoy the CFV and I love the look and feel of the Tera but I think I must do something about my Tera. I bought it from PIU, do I contact them first? They take returns but the item must be BNIB. Or do I contact Boundless about the warranty? Ayyy.
I definitely still want a Tera if/when this off-gassing issue is solved. Hopefully soon.
I’d contact PIU first, I’d think they’d take care of you fast.
I spoke with Boundless, and doesn’t seem like we (purchasers from Boundless direct) will be able to get a replacement from Bndlstech until they get a new shipment, so who knows when that will be? I know they’ll help ASAP, but until there’s a new shipment, guess we’re out of luck. Also, then we have to hope this was just a bad production run, and the replacements we get are 100% good to go.
We shall see I suppose.
Anyway, in your situation I’d contact PIU ASAP, and see what their options for you are. Don’t think you’ll have any worries, they’re great to their customers.
Sorry, you’re on the crap end too!
