Unless you want to preserve the cannabis to finish a session later why would you even attempt to remove a hot ELB?
I've used the ELB method with the CFX and I touched the ELB immediately after removing it from the oven when it was set to 385°F. It was hot, but not as hot as I expected. I was surprised how fast it cooled down too, within seconds it had cooled to a comfortable temperature.
When you remove the CFX mouthpiece the whole ELB comes with, so it is very easy to do and you never touch the actual ELB itself. I chose to touch it for a couple of reasons.
I did it mainly so I could know if I needed to be careful where I set the ELB down. I was worried about it charring wooden tabletops or something of the like. Based on my results I don't think it's hot enough to cause any damage.
I also wanted to see how hot the ELBs get because they are supposed to give the CFX more convection heat. Based on how hot they were I would definitely say they are reducing conduction and increasing convection.
My results from that session supported this conclusion. The flavor lasted longer, and the second session gave me fuller, more satisfying hits than a normal second session without the ELB.
As a side note, of the 4 ELBs I got, only one fits well in the CFX, the others require a bit of tweaking. It seems there is quite a bit of variance with the ELB dimensions.