@djchexxx, is your current vapes accurate? If so, I have to ask, how is the CFX vs Underdog and Grasshopper?
I feel like the Underdog for sure is the home, solo (maybe one other) person usage, the GH is for quick, stealthy draws (also maybe one other person use) or milking glass on the go, so where do you feel your CFX falls in? Do you session with it or use it with others more?
Well first of all I smoke alone so I can't comment on group sessions. Hard to really answer that as I have only had the CFX for 2 weeks I think? and i've had the grasshopper for a few days. The underdog is definitely the sit at home, leave it on all day/night (I never leave it on for a few hours) and hit it whenever you want, or can have really long sessions. Honestly it's been a little bit neglected once I got the CFX/Grasshopper in my hands. I don't like waiting 10-20mins for my UD to heat up.
I think the CFX is perfect with the auto shut off at 5mins. Not too short of a session and not too long. I usually put in less than 0.1g and can vape it the whole 5mins to get it crispy brown at 380. If anyone is solo sessioning longer than 5mins i'd tell them to get a desktop. Obviously this is a different story if you're out and about with a group of friends.
The grasshopper comes in as the ultra portable/stealthy one hitter. I mainly use it when i'm sitting at my desk and want one quick fat rip. I love hitting it through glass as well, I cant wait to see how the CFX works once they send out the WPA.
Pretty much:
Grasshopper: Convection/stealth/great one hitter. Also can use through glass and have short sessions. Wouldn't recommend for using a long time due to the mouthpiece getting pretty warm after two big rips. Good for one person. Two people is kind of stretching it but definitely can do it. Lifetime warranty.
CFX: Conduction with a tiny bit of convection, great for medium length sessions. 5-10mins. Not super stealth like the GH but for the power/vapor quality it delivers i'm ok with the size. Still definitely pocketable and great for group sessions due to big bowl size/battery life. 2 year warranty.
Underdog: Convection, great for leaving on for a few hours, having long ass sessions, or leaving it on and coming back to it whenever you want. Can use solo but possibly could use in a group setting passing it around. 2 year warranty.
Overall i'm happy with my current set up. I feel like I have a good range of what I want out of vapes but I really want to see how the CFX stacks up against the Mighty/Crafty so I might have to get one of those lol.