I’ve been wanting to make a vape mythology thread for a while, so I’m definitely stoked to see this!![]()
I'm totally down with making a de-mythification thread... though from the outset, I'd like to stipulate that consumer experience and years of lore must be accepted at face value and with respect even if it turns out to be the result of misconceptions. Lore reflects our collective experience and "what we know"--until science catches up with it. I have no interest in ego-rants that shame others as being "wrong."
And, there is a need to scrutinize the science being done as well. Oftentimes, it does not reflect the consumer experience, as noted by folks above, or there is insufficient evidence to support the claims. Dr Strongin did some solid research and didn't overreach on his conclusions, yet the experimental design would have been better if it reflected a variety of more realistic dabbing techniques.
In fact, regarding surface level evaporation - if you dollop concentrate directly onto dried flower and attempt to use the cellulose plant material itself as a wick, you’ll notice those saturated spots on the surface actually struggle to vaporize compared to the rest of the surrounding material.
@invertedisdead: this is a great point! What I believe happens is that the fibers are so dense that the oils create an "oil slick" that blocks the airflow. In this case, there is a cohesive volume for boiling to be the dominant vaporization mechanism--until the slick dissipates and air flows through it again. Often, just a little stirring will break that up nicely and allow for more efficient vaporization.
We just introduced an organic concentrate pad made from compressed plant fibers. It allows for efficient wicking and increased surface area, without creating any blockage. After many frustrations with stainless mesh inserts, which drip and waste concentrate, I spent the past few years searching for a better solution. I'm pretty pleased with its performance!

Note: while I am quite biased about our products, this isn't a thread where I'll bring them up, except to illustrate or support a point. If you want to ask specific product questions, please see the Neo thread here.
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