Cognitive Dissonance D 5 +
For those who missed out on owning a Lotus and have been waiting for the reintroduction of the BFG’s Castle, your wait is close to over.
Although their has been no official announcement from BFG on FC, the teaser pic and brief description below appeared on their website with no further info, specs or estimated price. Looks to be a major upgrade of the discontinued V2 Castle.
Note: The previous Castle version also had the option of a pipe stem that the wpa neatly fit into for native use. Guessing that add on will be available in the not to distant future. If not, a J Hook should do just fine. A rosewood stem though would be truly epic!
The new V3 Castle
The discontinued V2 Castle
The release of two new vapes in one month is quite an undertaking for any company, let alone a small craft shop. Nice work BFG!
For those who missed out on owning a Lotus and have been waiting for the reintroduction of the BFG’s Castle, your wait is close to over.
Although their has been no official announcement from BFG on FC, the teaser pic and brief description below appeared on their website with no further info, specs or estimated price. Looks to be a major upgrade of the discontinued V2 Castle.
Note: The previous Castle version also had the option of a pipe stem that the wpa neatly fit into for native use. Guessing that add on will be available in the not to distant future. If not, a J Hook should do just fine. A rosewood stem though would be truly epic!


The new V3 Castle

The discontinued V2 Castle

The release of two new vapes in one month is quite an undertaking for any company, let alone a small craft shop. Nice work BFG!