Just about to pull the trigger on my first, just for hash. I hope it meets or exceeds my sv3 experience! (which has been absolutely stellar).
Should I buy the M? Or go with the Omni or vong? Does it really matter? I think I read somewhere that the Ti tip was essential if using it with extracts.
I've been considering doing exactly the same myself...

I get nice Moroccan hash from source from time to time. Not full melt but bubbles nicely nevertheless and is pretty nice.
Usually I use my lotus, with the hash on a bed of flower. It's nice, but you get that problem, as mentioned before, that the flower is finished much earlier than the hash.
I think they're doing concentrate pads for the lotus now, so I was thinking of checking that option out, but I really want to try a vapcap out for hash only...
I had a not so great experience with an og VC I got from the crowdfunded startup thing they ran... but tbh it broke before I got much chance to play with it, and I was using it for flower at the time and found the bowl just a little too small. Won't be that problem for hash I guess, and the M looks pretty robust.
I also have a friend who kind of really wants to start vaping, but combusts hash pretty much exclusively, and is often away from power or battery chargers. I think a VC M would be perfect for him, but am reluctant to recommend it without trying it myself/letting him try it first.
So I foresee another vape purchase in the near future when I've recovered from the overspending at Xmas time...