For me it is still, tinymight, tetra, BAK, FW9, Atlas and Halo... Heat Islands and RBT can taste great too, although it's been a while since I've used them honestly... Bowle can be considered great for flavor although there are compromises imo ... perhaps could include Thermal Accumulator? (I need to try my lotus and vapman again too) a huge aspect is the pathway, including the heater air path etc, but the vapor path and chamber, those materials matter based on my experience, so any of the above are best with simple glass pathways and ideally just like right angle bends or swiss for cooling...
I don't agree that Evo was that impressive despite the all glass involved (although you had to load those steel mesh baskets that I kind of hated, and it's lack of versatility, I eventually had a whip set up to use other rigs, not just hydro tube, I don't know it was good but the flavor never felt like impressive at the time) and it has been discontinued a while ago, the company is defunct, they're no longer available anyway... Not sure if at the time this video was made or released...
Firefly was a classic but very flawed, FF2 still off, I now have FF2+ I was able to get very cheap new for the novelty, it is tedious to use, however it does reveal some great flavors, especially using whole nug, that is true... Pretty outdated, I wonder if they will ever release an FF3 that can actually have all the needed improvements to make this a worthwhile consistent reliable vape for me...
Angus I absolutely did not like at all, regardless of the halogen, the session style ruined it along with the loading chamber, the materials and build for me ultimately spoiled the vapor quality so much that I sold it (the person who bought it also posted in the thread that they loved it so I don't think it was just my unit, just must be depending on the individual person and other variables perhaps) the enhanced model did not resolve the issues I had with it, and has other aspects I do not appreciate honestly... They were said to be working on a desktop, and a non-halogen on demand unit, not sure I am interested in those either? my own perspective on the company and products is meh I guess... I actually prefer the Solo3 flavor and vapor quality, even though it is far from perfect and still session oriented, it has been much better in my experience...
There are a lot of other great tasting vapes, more manual, simple materials, with plenty of power, not necessarily even temp controlled, so many variables and very spoiled for options in this day and age... Not sure how old that VF video is, I guess it's including Angus and Evo so it can't be that old, but it is ridiculous to include Evo with current status, and ultimately FF is kind of a joke at this point comparatively lol