Best room deodorizer?


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
I grabbed an active charcoal air purifier off Amazon a few years back, works amazing. $99 and it has a setting that senses particulate and increases the flow rate. It’s scary good too, it sits all the way across the main living area from my vape station, but as soon as I blow out a hit it kicks up to high gear within a minute or so every time.


Well-Known Member
I grabbed an active charcoal air purifier off Amazon a few years back, works amazing. $99 and it has a setting that senses particulate and increases the flow rate. It’s scary good too, it sits all the way across the main living area from my vape station, but as soon as I blow out a hit it kicks up to high gear within a minute or so every time.
Does it actually keep the smell away? My experience (long, long, ago) was less than satisfactory with the air purifiers I tried.


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again

That's the unit I've been using, and the replacement filters. I don't think we can be the best judges ourselves, we interact with the fragrance differently than others. I've had guests, including overnight and some that have a severe dislike of the odor. None have complained, most have complimented the lack of any odor given they know my consumption. I've been running it for over a year in my current place, and I've replaced the filter maybe 3 times.


Well-Known Member
Philips air purifiers work very well with smoke and vapor. However, a smell may still be present if doors are closed and there is no natural ventilation, in this case a candle will diminish it.


Well-Known Member
Company Rep

That's the unit I've been using, and the replacement filters. I don't think we can be the best judges ourselves, we interact with the fragrance differently than others. I've had guests, including overnight and some that have a severe dislike of the odor. None have complained, most have complimented the lack of any odor given they know my consumption. I've been running it for over a year in my current place, and I've replaced the filter maybe 3 times.
Found an Aliexpess link (1/2 price) for non US but looks like 110v only,


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
Haha, I don’t know if it’s because I followed your link, but the Amazon one was marked down to $119 plus a $40 coupon so $79; today it is marked down to $89 plus a $20 coupon so $69.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Well, for growing mushrooms where you need to eliminate all particulates from the air, an ionizer is preferred. I've found a device like this Sharper Image ionizer very effective at eliminating odors as well as catching micro particulates that standard HEPA filters cannot

(I bought mine used on ebay for a much cheaper price, and it's still working great. There are other brands on the market, but this one is a bit heavier duty)


Well-Known Member
I use a Daikin MC55W with electrostatic Hepa filter and Flash streamer technology. It Is meant to create negatively and positively charged particles using a cold plasma generator to clean the air inside the unit, while it's passing through the filters. (active filter - there is no need to replace). Pm 2.5 sensor and odor sensor.
We use Blueair filters in our condo and they work well. Vapor sets them off right away, but they clear the room pretty quickly. My partner definitely notices the decrease in smell. Although, at this point, I blow all my vapor directly out the window, which usually avoids setting the filter off, unless the wind happens to be blowing in. We adopted a cat a couple years ago and it turns out she has asthma, so I had to change up my routine to help ensure her well-being. That's why I don't use desktops anymore. :lol:


No thoughts, head empty
I use blueair as well, but my primary filter is a sploof which I exhale through when inside which catches the majority of the smell. There are a few brands that work well, I use sploofy for the replaceable and slightly more eco friendly filters, but there are a few others like philter or smokebuddy that should work. You can also make your own with filter medium, but I’ve found the dorm trick of putting dryer sheets in a toilet/paper towel roll doesn’t work and you need activated charcoal and furnace filters (or similar) to actually catch anything.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, should have read your post more carefully. I cant give advice without knowing more. Where does the smell of flower come from?

- From growing? Get a bigger carbon filter or attach the end of your ducting to second carbon filter. Your old one will do.

- From storing? Get a tighter sealing container or do container in container. I would not go any Ona, Febreze stuff as it smells disgusting (taste may vary). If you want some smell to cover up, try some fresh grounded coffee Instead.

- From vaping or from smoking? Exhale out of your window, install a carbon filter and fan close (ideally above) your vaping place (like a smoking lounge at the airport), or, if you dont mind the ridiculousness, try a yocan green filter. I have never used one, but it might work. Easiest solution, go outside.

Hope any of these help
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Just a dude
To keep the flower odor at bay (as best as possible), I use a Coway-brand "Airmega" purifier, along with a Pura diffuser running in the background. Also, shutting the room in question's door/keeping it closed for a bit after a session while the air purifier does its work, seems to help.
This is the one that we have in our big lounge/kitchen/dining space, also my primary daytime spot :brow:, and it’s been amazing. It makes an incredible difference in the winter when windows are closed and there’s less natural ventilation. Thank goodness that cannabis vapor doesn’t cling onto everything the way that smoke does!


A 3M Filtrete Charcoal air filter combined with a sploof. Change the 3M Filtrete filter every 3-5 months. Ive had them last up to 8 months.


Agent Provocateur
Ozium sprays are toxic to inhale
Don't inhale :lol:. Lot's of things in life are toxic, or can be considered toxic we use on a daily basis. Take terpenes for example, we use them in just about evrything from perfumes to sodas. but they also use terpenes for insecticide. The active ingredients of Ozium are Propylene glycol and Triethylene Glycol . Propylene glycol is “generally recognized as safe” by the U.S.
. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (FDA 2017). FDA considers an average daily dietary intake of 23 mg/kg of body weight to be safe for persons 2–65 years of age (ATSDR 2008). Various foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products contain propylene glycol. It's in Ice cream and alcohol free tinctures.
Triethylene glycol is well established as a relatively mild disinfectant toward a variety of bacteria, influenza A viruses and spores of Penicillium notatum fungi.[4] However, its exceptionally low toxicity, broad materials compatibility, and low odor combined with its antimicrobial properties indicates that it approaches the ideal for air disinfection purposes in occupied spaces.[4] Much of the scientific work with triethylene glycol was done in the 1940s and 1950s, however that work has ably demonstrated the antimicrobial activity against airborne, solution suspension, and surface bound microbes. The ability of triethylene glycol to inactivate Streptococcus pneumoniae (original citation: pneumococcus Type I), Streptococcus pyogenes (original citation: Beta hemolytic streptococcus group A) and Influenza A virus in the air was first reported in 1943.[5] Since the first report the following microorganisms have been reported in the literature to be inactivated in the air.
I have dogged many a close call with the police using Ozium and I Highly recommend. I first started using Ozium when I was laid up for two weeks in the hospital in traction. I used an apple pipe to get high, and the can of Ozium the nurses left in my room to mask the smell . From then on I always kept a small can close by when getting high . Best deodorizer for weed imho ;) .

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