Also, for nights were I'm just chilling--e.g. earlier--would this set up allow me to load a bigger bowl and just sip on it occasionally while playing games online with friends or what have you, or would a log still be best used to clear entire smaller bowls? It seems that one of the big strengths of logs is being able to efficiently pull vape from microdoses, but it would be awesome if I could still pack a larger bowl and take a few hits off of it over a longer period of time.
Ditto on this, but for me it's the Milaana 3, which I am in a forever-honeymoon phase with. It's so versatile and fulfilling. The OP may not be interested in a fully manual unregulated vape, but he should at least look into it.Definitely on demand convection is what you want. Have a hit and put it down for hours. Come back and it’s still fresh.
log vapes are pretty darn good for that. I don’t own one. Something about leaving something on for a while I don’t like. They aren’t too instant if it has not heated up.
Firefly 2+ does it for me. Heat up in 3 seconds. Nice clouds. Excellent flavour. Can legit have a hit or two and then have more hits a day later. Or you can sit there having hit after hit.
I'm not too concerned about this, but its a valid point and I appreciate the concern. I grew up here, and when I was younger friends and I would always travel with joints and such and never had any problems. I gather that most police (save in some very backwards small towns) only really care if you've got enough to be selling anyway, the state senate and house just haven't gotten on board legal rec products. Even for medical purposes its a very well defined list of what qualifies and I believe only oil based products can be used.Forgot to mention something. gordantreeman you said you were in Non-recreational state. When you travel and want to smoke, are you going to be around strangers you don't know? Like maybe a stranger that could bust you if they smell weed? If yes, then you need the smallest, most stealth vaporizer you can get, and smoke only no terp concentrate. That way odor will be smallest possible. And don't kid yourself. Just because you may like smell of primo flower and may not notice it after smoke clears....the odor clings to you and non-smokers can still smell an hour or so after you took your last puff. No terp concentrate also has a smell, but it lingers for less time and most non-smokers would still have problem deciding what the smell it. Most non-smokers by now have smelled and can id the smell of flower. Safety 1st
I'm not too concerned about this, but its a valid point and I appreciate the concern. I grew up here, and when I was younger friends and I would always travel with joints and such and never had any problems. I gather that most police (save in some very backwards small towns) only really care if you've got enough to be selling anyway, the state senate and house just haven't gotten on board legal rec products. Even for medical purposes its a very well defined list of what qualifies and I believe only oil based products can be used.
From feedback in the thread, I'm REALLY digging the looks of the Woodscent. Reading the thread here and searching reviews, it seems to be a very capable desktop unit capable of microdosing with very small loads (and easy to reload if I want to continue/can't pack enough to just sip on it over an extended period of time, but perhaps the straight glass stem would facilitate this) that could accomodate large rips should my tolerance grow. While a lot of people don't like the DynaVap as a daily driver it seems most everyone agrees that its a more than capable little portable unit. The only niggle I'm curious about is that the stem included with the WS doesn't include a carb--I'm not sure if that will negatively impact it as a portable if any DV users care to weigh in?
It seems to be out of stock everywhere save PuffItUp. As near I can tell from reddit they're a reputable dealer, I was just hoping to hear back from Ed of Ed's TNT to verify they're an official distributor (so that the warranty will be honored should something go awry) and that it includes the same accessories he does. I think the only thing they don't call out on their site are the screens which is a small point, but it would be a drag to have to order them separately and pay for shipping. Very stoked to place an order, and again very appreciative of folks pointing out a style of vape I had never even heard of that seems to match my needs well. Its a huge bonus to me that its an artisan made piece as opposed to something mass produced. I'm sure the mass produced options are more than capable, its just neat to have something a little more unique and personal. Down the road I can't wait to look into some glass options to add water cooling to the mix, but I figure I'll just start with the glass stem/DV stem to get a feel for the WS first.
Edit: to the legality point, usually when I'm smoking on the go I'm hiking/snowshoeing/skiing someplace in relative solitude, or can take a hit on the chair lift or off by some trees. The only conceivable crowds would be at a show or something, but then from past experience no one cares, and it isn't an option with covid anyway.
Cool, thanks @Shit Snacks! They weren’t able to confirm when I chatted with them earlier, but I’m guessing it almost has to have the upgraded heater at this point? I think it changed in 2019. Not planning to jump into a vvps right off the bat as this is all new to me. I’ve read the newer heater potentially makes that unnecessary as it runs at a higher voltage.
Dang, that’s a lot cheaper and maybe something to look into. I’m not a big fan of plugging my new $300 vape into an unknown Chinese psu, but it looks identical to the one on Ed’s site, minus the custom logo. Is there a rough guide on what voltage corresponds to what temperature like there is @ for the dimmer switch? I’m planning to start at lower temps and see what I enjoy.Later down the track, US$15 (or less if you look around),
Variable Volt AC/DC Power Supply Adapter Adjustable 3-12V 3-24V 9-24V W/ Display | eBay
2 months delivery should cover it or get from Ed in a week
Thanks! I’ve been fortunate throughout the pandemic. I work a job that was able to transition to remote pretty easily, so I haven’t felt the squeeze that a lot of folks have—I feel for them and recognize that I’m in a fortunate spot to be able to drop that kind of cash on an herbal vaporizer during all of this.WS is a great option. Hope you enjoy it. I could never afford one.
They are the same as Ed's...less the sticker and the Chinese ones can go lower in volts compared to eds first batch (he just got the cheaper version than the one I put him onto, about$2 lessI’m not a big fan of plugging my new $300 vape into an unknown Chinese psu, but it looks identical to the one on Ed’s site,