Thanks! I didn't know they were still making these. If it's similar to the experience of the Bowle, I think I will like it. Just read a quick review and it looks like you heat it up and just leave it on and draw on it like an on demand. Is this your experience?
Check out the threads about the MV, a lot of people really like it, for a true convection session with great flavor... There are a lot of variables and varieties offered though (I don't feel like bowle has great flavor at all because of the limited pathway options and temp settings)
How are you using your TM? That is one of my favorites for flavor, with aftermarket glass stems, or WPA and right angle hook... I never use stock setup so I never think of that when I praise the TM experience generally now just my fancy glass lol
Which Firefly did you have? You could get another one, newer one, people praise it for the flavor, it can be pretty incredible especially with whole nug... But I find it a pretty tedious experience now with FF2+ personally so much so that it is annoying to use even for that?
If you're not opposed to torch based, or using an induction heater to make it battery-powered, there are even more options that offer really pure flavor potentially (my eyes on the Tempest as I have the thermal accumulator already but no IH yet)
Finally have to mention tetra and BAK although they are not easy to get!