Onward Thru the Fog
It doesn't seem like a battery "problem" if just removing and reinserting the fill plug fixes the problem every time. And since it's happened in the past to you, I doubt it's a defective Sapphire clearo (unless maybe they were all from the same shipment). I'm assuming that you're talking about GotVapes Sapphire brand of the "Buddy Tech" clearos, as I found that when I ordered (years ago) the "Buddy Tech" clearos from other places, they were sub standard compared to the ones I got from GotVapes. Not sure this is still the case though, due to reports here that buying directly from "Buddy Tech" provided wonderfully working clearos. And GotVapes is still out-of-stock of the Sapphires.I'm using a joyetech ego c at 3.7V. I don't know what the problem is. I'm never hitting it for more than 3-5 seconds. Don't know why I keep getting the vapor lock. Maybe the problem is w my battery. No idea why this is happening. The same thing has happened to me on the past w puregold.

So I guess I'm at a loss as to why you have to go through the unplug-plug routine essentially every time you use it. I just push the (battery) button, take a three second hit, release the button, continue to take a two second hit, and then fall down. Compared to my other concentrate adventures, doing Pure Gold in a Sapphire clearo is the easiest and most consistent experience I've found. (I partake of wax/shatter/budder/etc. in a dripless atty way more than I do Pure Gold).