Athlete Vaporists?


Tokin' Away Since 1968
Another 76 year old ex-hippie aerobic exerciser here. Mainly an ebiker these days as a childhood foot injury has finally caught up with me and I've got a moderately painful knee. People see the big mother battery on the ebike and presume I'm just loafing. But my aim on nearly every ride is to get a serious workout. I keep the setting on the lowest assist level 95% of the time and ride in hilly terrain and into strong winds. I want to elevate my breathing and heart rate every time I go out. If the wind is at my back, I ride up steep hills and peddle furiously. Because I'm very very outdoorsy, love being out in the natural world and live in stunningly beautiful places, and get bored with indoor exercise, I ride in temps from the upper 20s on up, as long as the road isn't icy or actually raining. And yes, I take a few vape hits of a strong sativa before riding most of the time.:myday:

I also ride to mitigate the damage to my lungs from fifty plus years of smoking cigarettes--Lucky Strikes(quit 11 years ago), daily smoking of weed for a similar amount of time(turned to vaping 10 years ago), and continued daily vaping up to and including today. I'm not sure I could continue daily vaping if I didn't do aerobic exercise 4-6 days every week year round. I've also got fairly severe arthritis and there is no question but that vigorous exercise is the best way of lowering or eliminating the attendant pain.

At my last physical my long-time doctor commented on my resting heart rate being consistently in a range from 48-56. He said that such a heart rate is usually a sign of an athlete in peak form and that I may be the heart healthiest of all his older patients. Given that I'm somewhat overweight from too much good beer(IPAs!) and good food and that I vape daily, I was a bit surprised. I suspect that if I wasn't a near daily vigorous exerciser and fairly healthy eater, I'd probably be having real trouble staying healthy and continuing to enjoye my several "bad habits"!:)
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Tokin' Away Since 1968
Was with some childhood friends for one's 75th bday over the winter and they corrected me. First tokes were over the summer of '67 between freshman and soph...but I didn't get high. Within two weeks of getting back to school that fall I met and soon became one of a small number of elite students--the "druggies"--on the campus of the religion associated school. Us "druggies" gathered most late afternoons in a nearby woods to share a joint or smoke a big communal pipe and introduce folks to getting high. It was the days when men and women were not allowed in each others' room except once or twice a semester and the door had to be open. It was a big deal involving parental permission and signing pledges even to be in the other gender's dorm common room. Women had to be in the dorm by 8, 10 on the weekends. It was the biggest issue on campus in 66 and 67, bigger than the war, maybe because the new draft hadn't started yet. I dropped out at the end of the semester after dropping LSD. I spent a good dozen years living the life before going back to college. I've retained that late afternoon pattern:).
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Well-Known Member
anybody measure their heart rate while doing aerobics? i hit 167 toward the end of my 30 minute session today on the NordicTrack skier. theoretical max for a 53 year old ... i'm 76.

there is a theory of longevity that there are only so many heart beats and one can use them all up too soon. i guess i don't believe that.

i don't exercise for longevity. i just do it to feel good. i believe that moving makes the bioframe work better. clears out the toxins and stimulates the mitochondria = more energy.
Very impressive! Enjoy what working & keep it up, I haven't measured my HR during exercise, probably because I'd expect to be well above the theoretical max for my age as well. Although I'm a ways off ur age. Very inspiring.

Very impressive resting HR @Polarbearboy. A while back, I measured my resting HR at ~45-46 BPM. But again, I'm a ways off ur age. AndCannabis use significantly increases the resting heart rate, so I haven't measured it for a while.

Very great to see MTBer's here & sharing stories, keep it up! I love getting out on a MTB, one can go so much further than jogging or walking & it opens up so many options. And it's the same thing with a road bike too :clap:. I'm still getting out on the MTB 👍 while dodging rainy weather & wet conditions 👎. I've done ~40 miles in the last week.

I never mentioned I had my first get-off of the year after visiting the festival in my last post :rolleyes:. After my second day, I was high & heading home on a well known easier trail when I came up to a semi-blind very steep short section, a do-or-crash type of choice. I went for it & near the top & at the steepest section, I came upon some clothing on the dirt single track trail :doh:. I tried to avoid it because I didn't think the rear tire would hold traction going over the clothing. I lost momentum & power, got my feet down & tried to hold my position but ended up falling to my side & down a very steep hill. As it happened, I tried to keep the bike from rolling with me. After hitting the deep downward slope, I avoided rolling downhill & only slid a foot or two. Luckily, it was just grasses & weeds here so the landing was soft. Thankfully, the hill was not any steeper. I got up, looked around to see if anyone saw this (was alone), gathered myself up & continued the trip home. I ended up with only a small bruise on the inside of one knee. I think the clothing came from some meth-head :cuss: . If that clothing hadn't been there, I would have been fine. And if I wasn't high, I probably would have had more power & been less susceptible to losing momentum. Some stacked bad luck. I almost never ride the MTB high :goat:

And I had my second get-off a few days ago :rolleyes: :mental:. I was on the same trail heading home :uhh: (not high) & decided to take a quick 20 ft side trail up & down. I've done these trails probably 300 times in the last 6 years. But with all the growth & lush foliage, I couldn't see the exact entrance point & it turned out I chose wrong. As I moved onto what I thought was the entrance, the front end immediately washed out & I went down, falling on my uphill side. Thankfully, I missed a rock & the washed front end uphill fall brought a slower soft drop with me landing on minor foliage (providing further cushioning). I was shocked at how quick it all happened. Again, I gathered myself up, looked around to find myself alone, counted my blessings & got on my MTB to continue the trip home. No ill f/x from this small spill, not even a bruise. I consider this get-off a wake-up call to be more careful. Things happen fast on a MTB & I shouldn't be wingin' it so much when trail visibility is so poor.

Enjoy this MTB video I found, & the beautiful scenery

I really enjoy reading from others here, cheers & keep it up!

:peace: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I got up at 5:30 and left the house with no weed, no coffee and no breakfast.
I felt flat immediately and uninspired, but I pushed on.
As the heat, humidity and pollution grew my 20 mile ride was cut in half.
I will go out tomorrow with all the standard goodies; especially breakfast!
My bony ass lost 2 lbs.


Well-Known Member
Hello athletes!

I stopped the race here... well temporarily!

I got off to a pretty good start and then I got an offer to join a soccer team in June. A group of dads who meet once a week... I couldn't dream of better!!

Ultimately, I would like to play soccer, do a little running (to regain power/speed/explosiveness) and do one climbing session per week...
but I'm going to have to take it very slowly and listen to my body...

I am very happy with my endurance! In two years, I managed to recover a good level... but I clearly have a deficit in explosiveness and power.

It will give me goals, that’s positive!

Okay and of course I got injured...I crouched down for my kids, spun around and felt a crack in my thigh...I still got played soccer because it was my second game, I was super excited and had just bought shoes...
and I've been carrying this around ever since...

part of my quadriceps contracts and is super hard. it prevents me from doing extensions to tackle or the first tonic support to change direction quickly or start an intense race... and that could last several days afterwards...
it could resemble the pain of a sharp hematoma from a big impact on the muscle...

so I skipped a few workouts to rest, I iced after each workout, I avoided moving the next day... I reduced the intensity I put in and I spotted the movements which triggered relapses.

and yesterday, after 2 weeks of vacation, it was my first workout where I didn't feel pain...

In short, I wrote more about my injury than I planned... that wasn't the main point!

I wanted to share my pleasure in doing a team sport again, and my satisfaction with the results of the in-depth work of the last two years... I have a lot of work to get back to a more satisfactory level but I like what is available to me !

(ah and, by the way... I can't not vape flowers before going to play. given the lateness of the matches, I can reduce but not abstain... well... . I'm not 16 anymore and that really doesn't help me with my explosiveness!)

Good weekend to all !!


Well-Known Member
VapeEscapist and I did a 50 miler from Rikers island area to Coney island, then Riis beach,
down to Crossbay blvd. and then back to Rikers.
Some Coney island soft ice cream and much later some crossbay pizza were treats.
OK ride just too much traffic and random shit.
Sunday we may hit the Hudson trial which is much more my cup of tea.
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Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
i'm trying to settle into two days of exercise followed by one recovery day. so, one day doing lower body and leg stretches floor exercises (30 minutes) followed by my normal 30 minutes of aerobics on the Nordic Track (which, sadly, is only available on eBay now). next day for upper body on Bowflex (30 minutes) followed by 30 minutes on NT.

still hitting 155 heart rate for the last 15 minutes on NT.

recent propaganda says intermittent fasting (i think they actually mean time restricted eating - i eat at noon and 6pm) and HIIT- which i equate with hitting max hr for 20 minutes - is better than extreme (triathlon) exercise for reduced all cause mortality, metabolic health and putting the lipids in their proper place.

at 76 i feel blessed to still be doing NT after 42 years.
High Everyone! I'm an avid endurance athlete--triathlons, endurance runs/challenges and the like. Not pro, just a hard-core amateur. I've often wondered if there are any others out there like me--serious endurance athletes that also get baked regularly. I've never had the forum to ask, until now thanks to FC. :tup:

I was a long-time combuster and recently converted to vaporizing at the end of January. I fell head-over-heels immediately, thanks to the taste and brief education I received about the health benefits versus combustion. The dude that turned me on had an Iolite and was patient in teaching me about draw speed, etc, which helped.

I now consider myself an obsessed vapor enthusiast. I've purchased two other vapes since getting the Iolite the day after I tried it (ordered my first higher-end glass piece last week and am waiting for the VXC and HI). I've not combusted since I converted, and I feel great. I wasn't a cig smoker before--just sparked herb via bong--and I never thought smoking herb hindered my training/racing all that much, especially since I'm not competitive anymore and do it because I like it and want to stay fit. But now that I've nailed my vapor preferences and routine (both portable with MFLB and at home with viVape), I certainly feel better and especially notice it when out for longer workouts (I like to get baked before long training sessions). I'm anxious to see what the next few months have in store as I further hone my vaporizing skills.

So, anyone else out there like me? Or am I a total loon as I've feared all along? :mental:
No man, you’re perfectly normal everybody’s different. That’s all I take a half ounce of mushrooms and go walking on the beach. I don’t think that’s for everyone, but there’s absolutely no need to beat yourself up first of all. It sounds like you’re extremely healthy and that’s something that Americans, unfortunately can’t say, if everything else is good in your life keep smoking as much herb as you can and who cares what anybody thinks about it unfortunately, I think the stigma still remains where you’re not gonna get the answers that you want to hear, but that shouldn’t matter thanks for putting your story out there. I appreciate it , it makes me more determined to get a device that is healthier for consumption but at this point, I have no idea what to do because there are so many out there for example, all the ones that you mention, I’ve never even heard of I really only know about The volcano, which is of course absolutely amazing I think when you release a product in 1994 and you haven’t had to change one part of it I know that they have added an LCD screen and Bluetooth compatibility as well as the hybrid version but nothing that stores in Bickle has ever made has had to be refined And I just thought of that it’s 20 years that’s incredible so you’re saying that there’s other companies to consider though because those are just so expensive but then again you know when you’re talking about your health, I think it might be worth to spend an extra $200 Please tell me if I am incorrect. Thanks again. Keep up the good work. Just be proud that you’re not a lazy fat average American.


Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
No man, you’re perfectly normal everybody’s different. That’s all I take a half ounce of mushrooms and go walking on the beach. I don’t think that’s for everyone, but there’s absolutely no need to beat yourself up first of all. It sounds like you’re extremely healthy and that’s something that Americans, unfortunately can’t say, if everything else is good in your life keep smoking as much herb as you can and who cares what anybody thinks about it unfortunately, I think the stigma still remains where you’re not gonna get the answers that you want to hear, but that shouldn’t matter thanks for putting your story out there. I appreciate it , it makes me more determined to get a device that is healthier for consumption but at this point, I have no idea what to do because there are so many out there for example, all the ones that you mention, I’ve never even heard of I really only know about The volcano, which is of course absolutely amazing I think when you release a product in 1994 and you haven’t had to change one part of it I know that they have added an LCD screen and Bluetooth compatibility as well as the hybrid version but nothing that stores in Bickle has ever made has had to be refined And I just thought of that it’s 20 years that’s incredible so you’re saying that there’s other companies to consider though because those are just so expensive but then again you know when you’re talking about your health, I think it might be worth to spend an extra $200 Please tell me if I am incorrect. Thanks again. Keep up the good work. Just be proud that you’re not a lazy fat average American.
@TrichomeTheatre - Thanks for the encouragement and kind words. I also shroom every now and then. After lots of experimentation I've settled into a good vaporization routine with the Vapexhale EVO as my main driver. Sadly, the company is no longer operating, so it's difficult to find them. But I love it because I used to love bong hits and the EVO gets as close as possible for me. I've never tried a Volcano but I know lots of experienced folks really like it. Bottom line, in most cases you get what you pay for. It seems many like the minivap, but it's pricey. It also depends on what you vaporize--do you only use flower, or do you use concentrates, too? I mainly use flower, but every now and then I'll mix flower with a bit of concentrate. It will take time, and everyone is different, but you will eventually find your groove.

Thanks again for sharing. I'm glad you found this thread.


New Member
Witajcie sportowcy!

Zatrzymałem wyścig w tym miejscu... cóż, tymczasowo!

Zacząłem całkiem nieźle, a potem dostałem ofertę dołączenia do drużyny piłkarskiej w czerwcu. Grupa ojców, którzy spotykają się raz w tygodniu... Nie mogłem sobie wymarzyć lepszego!!

Ostatecznie chciałbym grać w piłkę nożną, trochę biegać (żeby odzyskać siłę/szybkość/energię wybuchową) i chodzić na wspinaczkę raz w tygodniu...
ale muszę podejść do tego bardzo powoli i słuchać swojego ciała...

Jestem bardzo zadowolony z mojej wytrzymałości! W ciągu dwóch lat udało mi się odzyskać dobry poziom... ale wyraźnie mam deficyt wybuchowości i mocy.

To da mi cele, to jest pozytywne!

No i oczywiście doznałem kontuzji... Przykucnąłem, żeby pomóc dzieciom, obróciłem się i poczułem pęknięcie w udzie... Mimo to grałem w piłkę nożną, bo to był mój drugi mecz, byłem super podekscytowany i dopiero co kupiłem buty...
i noszę to przy sobie od tamtej pory...

część moich mięśni czworogłowych jest przykurczona i bardzo twarda. Uniemożliwia mi to wykonywanie wyprostów w celu podjęcia próby ataku lub pierwszego wsparcia tonicznego przy szybkiej zmianie kierunku lub rozpoczęciu intensywnego wyścigu... a to może trwać jeszcze kilka dni...
może przypominać ból, jaki powoduje ostry krwiak powstały w wyniku silnego uderzenia w mięsień...

więc opuściłam kilka treningów, żeby odpocząć, stosowałam okłady z lodu po każdym treningu, unikałam ruchu następnego dnia... Zmniejszyłam intensywność ćwiczeń i zauważyłam ruchy, które powodowały nawroty.

a wczoraj, po 2 tygodniach wakacji, po raz pierwszy ćwiczyłem bez bólu...

Krótko mówiąc, napisałem o swoim urazie więcej, niż planowałem... nie o to chodziło!

Chciałem się podzielić radością z ponownego uprawiania sportu zespołowego i satysfakcją z efektów dogłębnej pracy w ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat... Mam jeszcze dużo pracy, aby powrócić do bardziej satysfakcjonującego poziomu, ale podoba mi się to, co jest dla mnie dostępne!

(ach, i swoją drogą... nie mogę nie palić kwiatów przed wyjściem na mecz. biorąc pod uwagę, że mecze się opóźniają, mogę ograniczyć, ale nie powstrzymać się od palenia... cóż... nie mam już 16 lat i to naprawdę nie pomaga mi w mojej wybuchowości!)

Dobrego weekendu wszystkim!!
hehe, ja też nie wyobrażam sobie meczu bez odpowiedniej dawki dobrego kwiatu, z tą różnicą, że chcę, żeby to była moja pierwsza faza dnia (wtedy jest najlepiej)

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
i added some floor exercises to my strength training segment specifically to work on my abs. 6-pack by Christmas!! bookmarked some nice ab workouts on X and follow them.

one i tried was kneel down on one knee, other foot flat on the floor, then reach/stretch up above the knee that's up then rotate over and past knee on the floor. it felt like i tore my thighs off the bone. it is getting better after several weeks of repetition. aerobics and squats just not hitting the thigh evidently.

another one that is getting better with reps: start standing up, kneel down on right knee, bring down left knee, stand up on right leg, stand up on left leg. good for balance, too. repeat 10x for right knee first, then 10x with left knee first.

following with Nordic Track skier for 30 minutes. i hit 160 bpm heart rate - theoretical max for my age is 144. not too bad. podcasts on YT are great distraction: michael levin for biology, rupert sheldrake for morphic resonance, steven wolfram for the ruliad, roger penrose on how quantum theory is wrong. sometimes lex fridman.


Well-Known Member
Hey folks, I'm one of those people that has trouble gaining or maintaining my weight which I believe is totally
genetic. I'm 5'5" and weigh 125. I used to be 130, but now I have trouble finding and eating healthy food
because I'm too lazy to shop and prepare good meals.
I went on my usual 30 mile ride with a partner, but did not eat any breakfast, and even with various
power bars and such my weight dropped to 121.
I really enjoy having an empty belly as that full feeling is kinda gross and makes me sleepy.

I'm back on the feed bag with three meals daily and the munchies really do not help like they used to.
We all have some problems with diet, but I do not want that crack head skinny look.
I'm eating a banana with coffee and some pastry this morning for breakfast. Hydration helps and
I'm back to 124.
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