Athlete Vaporists?

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
at 75.5 yo i can offer my perspective of 40 years of aerobics (on a NordicTrack pro skier) 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week: just do it. maybe it's the endorphins or just pumping more O2 to the mitochondria, in any event i live in a cloud of wellbeing.

this was brought home to me 4 weeks ago when i did something to my hip flexor or psoas doing a hip bridge and couldn't do much for most of a week. the cloud turned dark and i felt out of touch with "me". hard to describe but very real. now i feel back to normal and feel like "me" again. my old personality is back - not all great aspects but if that's what comes with the wellbeing, so be it. not too old to learn to adapt.

started strength training on my bowflex 10 years ago (20 minutes 3 days a week) and that has been a wonderful positive influence.

the difficulty i have at 75 is tuning the level of effort to not stress the biosystem too much. recovery days are key. and i am still tuning.

plus calisthenics to move major muscle groups. that (i think) helps the lymph system flush the metabolic wastes out of the system.

just some observations - purely anecdotal for N=1 - my goal is to keep moving.

i picture myself running across the grass land, chasing my meat, until it can't run anymore, so i can kill it with a pointy stick or a hand axe. shopping at Foo d'Lion is too easy.

only real food, omnivore, low-ish carb, no-ish sugar +++ daily cannabis intake and occasional shroom microdosing.


Well-Known Member
Hello athletes!

first race in the snow here! was half freezing rain.
I wanted to get ahead of the current “snowstorm”.

The first 4 kilometers went very well... but the return with a headwind was not the most pleasant!
I hesitated to push to 10 km, in case it was my last outing for a long time... but I did well.

My upcoming vape session motivated me... and I thought of you! haha

A short session of abs and push-ups, a shower... then terpedo, lotus and Nomad...
followed by a micro nap and a snack...

It was perfect !!

Hopefully I'll motivate myself to go out again, but if not, that was cool!

Have a nice week...!


Less soul, more mind
Damn → "Tibialis Posterior Tendinopathy". Might take me one or two more weeks to get over it (and it totally drives me nuts).

Anyway, I had a pretty nice year in running I guess, with the major highlights being the two events I have attended.

In late May I ran my second Backyard Ultra (check out the rules → here); last year I did six loops, this year ten, so 66.6km or 41.38 miles in total. In the end it was the sun that killed me, which was when I learned how useful hats can be (I'm mostly running in the dark, so that's a lesson I had missed until then). The winner this year did 15 loops, a whopping 100km. Crazy. Great experience, great day. I was so crushed yet happy when I finished my last loop.

The second highlight was my first actual race (with a racing bib and everything), a half marathon in late October on the "Tempelhofer Feld", an old airport that today is a park with vast open fields, people love to go there to skate, fly kites or just hang around. I really enjoyed that it didn't start at eight or nine in the morning like most races do, but at seven in the evening. :-) Not so good was the heavy rain that poured down on us, but I managed to ignore that pretty well. I really loved running with so many other runners, enjoyed how groups of runners with the same pace were forming, staying together for a few minutes or longer, then dissolving slowly to form other groups elsewhere. Was kinda hypnotizing. I managed to run a nice PR (1:32:43), 3rd in my age group – everything just worked well for me, the shoes, the nutrition, hydration. As someone who usually runs alone in the dark all the time it was amazing to experience this kind of race atmosphere with hundreds of other runners. Definitely not my last race.


Well-Known Member
ok... me again... Sorry, but it contributes to my motivation to say hello every time...

And my usual little weather update 😅
The start of winter is incredibly mild here in Montreal... 7 degrees Celsius on December 17... At this rate, I might be able to run all year round!!

I took the opportunity to go out 10 km. This is the first time I've managed to leave slowly in ages!
Result: 18 seconds difference between my fastest and fastest monthly kilometer and I stayed under the 6 minutes per kilometer mark!
I felt pretty good afterwards... and no soreness today..

I'm happy because when I started again, it was far from easy to run 10km "easily"! And today I consider that it is acquired again...

It also feels good to be able to walk the street with my son without being out of breath after 100 meters...
The push-up and abs sessions are also starting to have an effect. and I can do more, without forcing.

Okay, and given the weather forecast, I should be able to do a workout over Christmas. This must not have happened to me often... even in France! 😁🧑‍🎄

very cool to read your experiences, thank you for sharing!
I didn't know these rules at all... it's... intriguing!
what explains why you went from 6 curls to 10 curls in one year?! Was last year just a test? Well done in any case... keep up the pace for 66km!!
Recover well from your last injury!

Have a good week and happy new year everyone!


Less soul, more mind
very cool to read your experiences, thank you for sharing!
I didn't know these rules at all... it's... intriguing!
what explains why you went from 6 curls to 10 curls in one year?! Was last year just a test?

The major question in a backyard ultra is whether you want to prioritize spending less energy by running slower or gain more rest time between the loops by running faster. Last year I was way too fast, I think I came in first for the first four or five loops. Big mistake. This year I tried to stick much more to the other runners, which cut down my resting times by quite a bit, but in the end it worked out much better. Each race (or even run) will give us some kind of lesson I guess. :-)


Well-Known Member
I spoke too quickly, well... wrote too quickly!

yes it was easy to run the 10km, but at the end of the day on Wednesday, one of my knees started to tell me that I had overdone it...
It's a little better today so with a little rest, it should be fine!
But it will probably postpone my Christmas jogging!

@Siebter well, bravo for the adaptation and the winning change of strategy!
and thank you for making me find out about this!

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
one of the favorite things about using the Nordic Track skier is the soaking sweat i can get ... takes about 7 minutes to get the glow going and then another 23 minutes of soak. when i first started 40 years ago, i noticed (i'm an engineer, i notice things) my sweat would leave a white precipitant. and the sweat would have a taste. now, the sweat is like the well water i drink. i have long believed sweat detoxifies the body. it helps to not intentionally retox it up.

the lead article on mercola today covers this topic. here is an excerpt:

Many Toxins May Be ‘Preferentially Excreted Through Sweat’​

Because sweat is 99% water, it’s sometimes said that sweating doesn’t provide a meaningful avenue for detoxification. In the journal Temperature, it’s noted, “The role of sweating to eliminate waste products and toxicants seems to be minor compared with other avenues of excretion via the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.”15

However, research shows that toxins are, in fact, excreted via sweat. According to research in Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology:16

“Many toxic elements appeared to be preferentially excreted through sweat. Presumably stored in tissues, some toxic elements readily identified in the perspiration of some participants were not found in their serum. Induced sweating appears to be a potential method for elimination of many toxic elements from the human body.”
For instance, concentrations of the heavy metals nickel, lead and chromium may be 10 to 30 times higher in sweat than in blood and urine.17 It’s also noted in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, “Physiologists have long regarded sweating as an effective and safe means of detoxification, and heavy metals are excreted through sweat to reduce the levels of such metals in the body.”18

That study found levels of nickel, lead, copper and arsenic in sweat were higher when the sweating was induced via dynamic exercise as opposed to sauna usage, although mercury levels in sweat were the same regardless of sweating method.19

Another systematic review found that in people with higher exposure or body burden of arsenic, cadmium lead and mercury, “sweat generally exceeded plasma or urine concentrations, and dermal could match or surpass urinary daily excretion … Sweating deserves consideration for toxic element detoxification.”20

Bisphenol A is another chemical contaminant often detected in sweat, in some cases even when no BPA was found in serum or urine samples.21

i keep the resistance low so i can get a faster pace and faster heart rate - yesterday i was cruising at 107% of theoretical maximum at 155 bpm - not looking to build muscle, just keep what i have functional.


Less soul, more mind
yes it was easy to run the 10km, but at the end of the day on Wednesday, one of my knees started to tell me that I had overdone it...
Just in case that symptom does persist: knee issues are very typical for us runners, but instead of just resting, try to strengthen the knee area. There are many simple exercises that will help with achy knees, just look for "runner's knee" on google or YouTube. Most likely it will come back if you don't look after it.

I'm running again! :-) Apparently that inflammation I mentioned was caused by a cyst right above my ankle. Honestly, not running for two weeks was hard, missed it so much. Cyst is still there, doctor will take care of it next week, but for now it doesn't cause any issues.


Tokin' Away Since 1968
In my mid-70s, after two years of increasing knee pain and other issues, three years ago I put my road and mtn bikes aside and bought an ebike, which I've exclusively ridden since then. Until last week. When my oldest friend--our parents were next door neighbors and our cribs were placed side by side--had a big 75th birthday celebration down on Key Biscayne near Miami. While there I rented a regular hybrid bike. To my astonishment, I was able to zoom around for hours without knee pain and keep right up with if not pass the children of my friends. This speaks to how fricken hilly and windy the riding is around my home in the mountains and around my northern cabin. As well, it shows how riding my ebike, usually on the lowest assist level (it's pedal assist without a throttle), in these conditions keeps me fit enough to fly on the Florida flats. I'm used to looking at elevation changes in the hundreds and thousands of feet; in FL the elevation change for my longest ride was 16ft according to the bike maps!

Florida is one of my least favorite places because of its fascist politics and endless shabby sprawl. Even the Ritz, where several friends were staying, and the high-end gated community where my oldest friend lives were very unappealing to me. I've also gotten very used to living in and traveling around places where cannabis is legal. So out of paranoia, I didn't bring my vape. Given Florida's cannabis reactionaryism, I didn't bring any of my vapes or consumables with me. I was even nervous about bringing a few sleep-aid 1:1 thc/cbd gummies. Fortunately a friend's wife who knew of my sad plight brought some extra prescribed 30mg THC gummies for me. I was flying as I was flying past palatial Miami Vice type houses and mangrove swamps on my rental bike! Now I'm glad to be home in the mountains of NH with my vapes handy.:) Except there's absolutely no snow, even on the mountains. The ski areas and their employees are hurtin'. Even the man-made snow got washed away with the heavy rains a week ago.
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Well-Known Member
Just in case that symptom does persist: knee issues are very typical for us runners, but instead of just resting, try to strengthen the knee area. There are many simple exercises that will help with achy knees, just look for "runner's knee" on google or YouTube. Most likely it will come back if you don't look after it.

I'm running again! :-) Apparently that inflammation I mentioned was caused by a cyst right above my ankle. Honestly, not running for two weeks was hard, missed it so much. Cyst is still there, doctor will take care of it next week, but for now it doesn't cause any issues.

I didn't answer before... because... it's too hard!
I had no more pain... so I ran 6 km on January 2nd... well... I've just started to regain mobility in my knee for 2 days...

I looked, and I don't have pain on the outside of the knee but on the kneecap and inside... so it's not quite the symptoms of "runner's knee"...

My knee was stuck in a straight position for about 10 days...

applying ice regularly was great advice...

I'm going to let a little more time pass... then buy good shoes and I'll do a test over a very short distance....

but it's really hard... I just understood why my Hulk side was coming out lately...
sport really helped me regulate my pressure...

I can vape as much THC as I want... it doesn't regulate much... except when I have just consumed of course.... and then again...

not cool!!!


Tokin' Away Since 1968
Article in WaPo about exercising straight/sober vs stoned (This is the gift version of the article that non-subscribers should be able to read.)

The first paragraph:): "People smoke cannabis for a variety of reasons, including for pleasure and to unwind. Now new research has found another benefit: Getting high can make exercise more enjoyable." This is my exactly my story.

Since I started with cannabis some 55 years ago, I've VIGOROUSLY climbed mountains, snowshoed, xc skiied, road and mountain biked, jogged, worked in the woods, and worked out on the basement bike, getting high before hand probably 95% or more of the time. I consider weed and elevating my heart and breathing rates, especially in beautiful places, to be one of the joys of my life. I also find it essential to my basement biking which I don't enjoy and find extremely boring unless I'm stoned and well-coffeed. Now 75 I still do vigorous exercise from 4-6 days every week, year after year. Without weed it isn't nearly as much fun or no fun at all.


Well-Known Member
I also find it essential to my basement biking which I don't enjoy and find extremely boring unless I'm stoned and well-coffeed.
Thank you for this great paper!
I can confirm this, it works at least for me too.
During Covid when the gyms were closed I did more cycling what normally is rather a boring "must do" for me but when I had a big coffee and vaped it often was pure joy and I cycled in a super appealing flow for hours.

I tried weight training high as well but missed that nice angry rush that keeps me going for just one more rep though I was super focused and the mind muscle connection was great! Maybe this could be used when someone fails to reach a certain target muscle?! Anyway be careful with big weights while being high.... this is pure bro science here!


I can imagine jog or bike ride in the park being high, however never heavy squat(whatever exercise u doing) or jumping 20 footer on the bike, ski or whatever sport u doing that requires coordination and involvement of risk or misjudgment, like jumping with parachute or so.


Well-Known Member
developed ITB syndrome in late Nov.
eased up on the running and started strength training.
decided after watching some youtube's that it was probably down to an overall weakness of the particular leg (tibial plateau fracture, ruptured ACL years ago)
dialed the running down to 3 days a week, on flat ground, 5km.
on the alternate days i do calisthenics/bodybuilding type of workout using only body weight, for the moment.
am thoroughly enjoying the 'resistance' training, and the bad leg is hugely improved - squat jumps, box jumps, single leg squats, lunges, hip thrusts, standing 1 leg calf raises
am up to running 7km (since January) at a time now with absolutely zero pain or discomfort.
have added 10kg of muscle since the injury.

e3rehab for the knee

nick bare for inspiration


Well-Known Member
Hey all, been watching the thread but not doing much since ending MTB season back in October. Just recently, I went to MX for a vacation & started jogging / walking for an hour in the morning. Went 0 to 100 mph it seems, lol. Was going pretty well for the first week or so, I was enjoying it all when some of the cobble roads helped to strain a strong side knee ligament. No more more walks or runs for the rest of the trip & I couldn't rest it enough, resulting in a quite sore & sensitive knee. Getting old it seems. Bad luck, but I also should start things off more gradually :haw:

Since getting back home, I rested the knee for a good week & it's already much much better. No significant impairment atm around the house. Will start walking on the treadmill in a week or two in prep for spring MTB season :luv:, at least that's the plan 👍

Enjoy the exercise & vaping, have a great Sunday

:peace: :leaf:
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Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
only doing 1/2 punch man workout in the morning: 2x25 push up, sit up, squat takes 20 minutes - trying to do every day, but need recovery days, so, maybe 4 or 5 days a week. followed by my 30 minute sweat. replaced the worn out drive rollers on the Nordic Track and now hitting 10 mph and still hitting max heart rate @ 145 bpm - peaking at 150. and bowflex 3 times per week: 1x10, 8 exercises, 15 to 20 minutes depending on speed of rep - some days pump the stretch for a 3 count, other days just continuous motion.

weight locked at 157 lbs. eating 2500 to 3000 calories, but i don't count it often. i focus on getting enough protein.

76 in 11 days.


Earthling flora is... fascinating.
What a wonderful thread! I'm not a hardcore athlete ( I used to be in sports), but I am trying to get fit again. I've been using vaping away from working out in fear that it would help me get into a lazier disposition but maybe I should try it.

I mostly just use my mountain bike and run/walk a lot, I don't hit the gym anymore. Trying to find ways to intensify my fitness, but I'm a "fun is my workout" kind of person and prefer playing sports or hiking with friends being the workout rather than having a structured routine or place and I'm struggling to find sports to join as an adult in my area. I'll try running stoned and see how it goes!


Well-Known Member
Nice and motivational to read about different routines and stories from vaping people all around the world.
I`m interested in most sports but for myself I only hit the gym and cycle. I had a rather long break for one year and never really got back to my old level since covid but now with 35 I`m back in the gym since December 2023.

Here is my routine. I hit the gym five times a week, Monday to Friday and do one major muscle group a day plus some stuff like calves or abs. I keep the workout time within 45 -60 mins without warm up. For cardio I cycle every second work day a detour to work and sometimes cycle for an hour or two at the weekends. Next goal is at least seeing my abs again and get a back in shape but no more hard core bodybuilding for me :wave:


Well-Known Member
I started up on the treadmill a week later than my last post with the knee. I also grabbed a new pair of Asics. I quickly improved & got to >500 colories in 1 hr, along with 14 min of jogging >5 mph. Great for me. But my knee got tender for the next 1.5 days. I feel OK again & lately have been exercising with snow clearing outside. I'm back on the exercise & watching my strained knee ligament carefully.

Wow @Cannabiker 😲

Enjoy the MTB stuff especially!

Have a great Sunday night

:peace: :leaf:
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