I normally go up to a hill pass with some different paths to choose to come back.
These are 9, 13 & 16 km routes and I choose it according to how I feel when I get the spot. Sometimes I expected one training and switch plan at the top, not always adding mileage.
A cheap gps with bpm data keeps me slow enough to get the distances, I tend to run faster if forget at home and need to go by feel (maybe a sativa-related issue).
My trails are a similarly modular setup. Very nice for variety and choosing mileage on the fly. Cheers

Nice to see so many people here! I'm still getting out exercising as well

. I did a second ~40 mile MTB trip to see the fall colors early last week

. I wasn't as crazy tired at the end, but I was really spent still. I slept 11 hrs the second night after, w/ tons of dreams. And I made it out on Saturday again and did a 17 mile MTB trail loop with the #1 & #2 difficult trails in the area (split up this time). In fact, I got a PB on the cardio killer trail, only stopping for ~ 20 seconds once and not walking a single climb. And I never stopped after that, other than for taking a few pictures. 101 minutes moving time. I felt good and I had pretty good power, strength and endurance. I completed a few of the most technical features as well on the ride which have often bamboozled me. After the MTB ride yesterday, I vaped some sativas and the combo runner's high and cannabis high was again amazing. Got quite high last night and held off trying to post until to today (Sunday). My exercise has been excellent here and I hope it's going well for everyone here.
Though while all this MTB exercising has been great, I'm feeling pretty run down too. It's the end of season rush and I'm sure I'm over-exercising some. No significant issues so far at least and timing seems good. I plan to get out on the MTB tomorrow, and if I'm lucky once more at the end of the week. Then that looks to be it.
Been eating lots to recover and fuel up as well. Meat, pasta, rice, vegetables, a few slush drinks

, etc.
Goodly high at this time, so sorry for any spelling/grammar issues

Get out there exercising, cheers and have a nice Sunday night