Green goes to brown, n that's what I stand for.
yeah man ive been taking a teaspoon of creatine daily for almost a year along with a gallon of water every day not including other beverages like coffee and alcohol (both of which im working on toning down).If you're bulking up...ever tried creatine? Me and a buddy shared a purchase of the stuff and I blew up quicker and with less effort but he had a bad time with it...he got bigger as well but he was cramping up all over the place. I never really felt like I was gaining the same amount of strength as the size increase would imply though.
Also I agree with you about the size > strength gains im in the same boat and honestly i prefer it to the alternative

FYI I take Creatine, Vitamin D-3, B Complex, Krill Oil, Source Naturals for Men (Multi vitamin), and I switch back and forth between ON and NOW for my whey protien. Also been trying to remember to include some coconut oil in my shakes.
2nd FYI; 1st workout today after 2 weeks of mcuh needed rest and I'm already stronger right off the bat. Best workout yet! Although I dont understand how my bench and squat are equal (been doing 5x5 @ 185 lb for each). Any idea what my squat should be at if im benching that amount?
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