I think we should cut DV some slack as they're getting jerked around by the Feds so this must be very stressful for them.
They manufacture products that compete with big tobacco ( E-cigs) and the DaVinci and Ascent are aromatherapy devices that sometimes are used by unscrupulous people like me to vaporize dangerous drugs such as merrywanna so they may have the attention of the drug warriors (DEA FDA or Justice Dept). If I'm right then they need our support.
I believe that this is what happened with the Zephyr Ion as well, and if it is, publicly having our support is the LAST thing they need.
"Hey DEA. Leave them the fuck alone."
-------from the kind folks at fuckcombustion.com
Or do you mean the kind of moral support in giving them a warm shoulder to cry on while encouraging them by telling them that everything's going to be alright?
From my point of view, when you get into this business, ESPECIALLY in the import business, you better do your homework and have ALL of your ducks in a row for contingencies that may arise, just like this one. Obviously, DV got caught off-guard, and while they have my sympathies, they surely don't get off the hook for the way they have been dealing with their customers during this launch. They seem to be making an attempt here to make it better, but man........from my point of view, they're going to have to really work on it.
Now where's my fucking 100 dollar gift certificate?