My apologies... I'm learning.
No apologies needed. If everyone who posted in the wrong thread apologized, that would really cut into my Maui time.
My apologies... I'm learning.
Since this is the gibberish thread....
(Hey look! I didn't double/triple/quadruple/quintuple-post!)
Uh... yeah they do. They selected the best informed and RABID user-base to seed to. After the video-reviewers, who do you think their best salespersons on the internet would be? Random fabcebook users? I think not.
Well, see... there you go making my point for me.Sorta.
Well, again, yeah they did. *Deliberately* for our benefit. It's a "i'll scratch your back, and you'll be pleased enough to scratch mine, and while you are at it, not shut up about scratching all over the damn interwebs" kinda-thang.
Well, there you go again proving my point for me.Sorta.
People tend to forget that any mutually agreed upon interaction is to the perceptive-advantage of BOTH parties. Or culture has ruined us to think that everything is zero-sum.
[SIDENOTE: Brewer-- not really pickin' on you here... jus' pickin' on some of your comments.Really minor distinctions, but, Hey! this is the gibberish thread!
But it isn't for YOUR or MY or anyone else's benefit
And it is a win-win situation, a good bargained-for-exchange
Wait. Mine came last night for a Friday order.So if i didn't receive a pre-registration email does that mean i won't be getting one or do i just have to wait?
So if i didn't receive a pre-registration email does that mean i won't be getting one or do i just have to wait?
Wait. Mine came last night for a Friday order.
Here is a thought: If DV cared about the proper people getting their devices, why did they leave the post regarding the "private" sale email on thier facebook?
ANY company (and again, not really talking about DaVinci or this specific situation, but any mutual exchange) *IS* trying to do things for my benefit.
I completely disagree with this ... I personally would NOT sell ice to an Eskimo just because they would buy it (continuing with the analogy). I do operate a small business and have been involved in Sales for >20 years (owned my first retails sales business about 20 years ago in fact ... I've never since gotten involved in a retail sales venture, but did work some sales jobs while in University and I sell my ideas to my main company (which is not always easy) and sell my services and technology to support my customers with my side business ... I have many times advised my customers against spending money (that I would benefit from) in order to ensure that they are happy with the service and product in the end. I would rather not make a sale then sell them something they don't need or want and that brings them no value (I feel that would be unethical, and on top of that, these things come back to bite you in the ass so its not all altruistic, however, the end result is the same ... I won't sell my customer something just because they'll buy it ... I only want to sell them something that will bring them equal or greater value than what they are paying, otherwise I am shooting myself in the foot in the long run and on top of that would feel really bad about my dealings)You're niave; DV, as I, or anyone, would sell ice to an Eskimo if the Eskimo would buy it.
The bottom line motive for a seller is to do one thing..............sell....and he/she does that by providing a benefit to the consumer.
I completely disagree with this ... I personally ...
ALL companies are trying to make money, that's a given, but I would venture that many (unfortunately probably not most), even do so in a way that makes them feel good about what they do and the products they are selling.
Thanks for the personal anecdote. When I ordered from DV, I guess I missed the part where they asked me if I really should buy their product and also missed the part where they asked me whether I should think twice and spend my money more wisely on something else...
The seller cares less about benefiting the buyer. End of story. Bottom line.
And, again, the seller cares less about any benefit to buyer; the seller just wants a contract (e.g., legally binding promise that buyer pays seller) that benefits the seller!
.....lwien scoops me every time.
Brewer, I've been in the sales, marketing, advertising game in the retail arena longer than most here have been alive. Early in my career, I was the VP of Sales of a 42 store consumer electronics chain here in So Cal and part of my responsibility was to train our store sales mangers in how to train their salespeople.
If ANY of them could "care less about benefiting the buyer", they would be fired on the me. End of story. Bottom line.
Wanting a contract that benefits the seller and carrying about providing a benefit to the buyer is not mutually exclusive.
While I agree that there are many companies who operate like you describe, there are many who don't and to make a general statement implying that they all follow your set of criteria is just not true, as is most all general, sweeping statements.
Hope YOU'RE taking notes 'cause I usually charge $500 an hour. Consulting fees don't come cheap, especially if they're a benefit to you.![]()
I just had a dealing with a company, where I e-mailed them after the fact, explaining how I wasn't overly pleased with a product, didn't quite meet my needs, giving them the reasons, even indicating that I did not expect my money back as I had given it a pretty good try and due to circumstances, just didn't quite work for me (but nothing wrong with the product and after my use I knew it had no resale value)
They are insisting I take a full refund for it and all accessories (about $100) unless I find a use for the battery in which case they will issue me a partial refund (this is 100% to their loss as they get nothing back from the manufacturer)
This is an example of a seller putting my needs ahead of them making money even though they have a legally enforceable contract and have no obligation (or expectation whatsoever) to issue me a refund of any type at all (I was shocked it was actually offered and wasn't why I contacted them)
Is this 100% to my benefit with none for them? No ... definitely not ... they take a loss here but gain customer loyalty which will in the long run benefit them. So maybe I'm agreeing with you in some ways brewer ... we just approach things from a different perspective?... chicken or egg, chicken or egg ...
Instead, just be honest---people go into business to benefit themselves.