I'm sure they are very busy trying to get this vape out asap. I would rather they spend there time doing that than judging some silly contest. I'm sure you will get your contest in due time but give them a break they appear to be working very hard to make this product the way WE want it. Which they can't be give enough credit for.
Two things. One, it is not MY contest. It's OUR contest. Secondly, I did PM DaVinci on this yesterday and she said that it will be posted up on Sunday or Monday, so in that, we're all good.
Regarding my post that you quoted above, my concern was that I wasn't getting any responses. All I wanted was someone to tell us that it was either postponed due to other pressing issues, or that it was cancelled due to other pressing issues or that it was on, and when it would be on. I would have been fine with any of those answers. It just seemed like DV didn't want to acknowledge the question only because I raised it more than just a few times and it was never acknowledged, but yet other questions that were asked, were acknowledged. When something is committed to and said that it would happen within a week or so, and then a few weeks goes by and nothing is done, and then when asked about it, no answers are forthcoming, than it becomes a bit of a concern.
But like I said, I PM'd her, and got an immediate response, and I would have been just as happy if she told me that the contest was totally off. All I was looking for was a confirmation, one way or the other.
It's all good now. And please don't misinterpret my intentions as not being appreciative of all the hard work that DV has been doing here and the product that they are trying to introduce and trying to make it the best that it can be, for me not being appreciative of that couldn't be further from the truth.