Sorry, if this is long and rambling for my first post, but I'm kinda excited to pick up a new toy, and it seems like this could be a really cool device. The TL;DR--
1. Ascent - Expected MSRP?
2. Ascent - Any clearer definition of "spring"? (I'm guessing not at this point).
3. Thank you, Da Vinci rep. Tell your boss (unless that's you) that your work made a customer today... or in a few months.
4. Any other advice from other FC members? I'm open to ideas/tips/whatever.
Wow. Just wow.
I'm a *VERY* casual user (so little that I'd probably get laughed off of this site), have an existing GoG vape (vapolution I got like 8 years ago) I almost never use [not really efficient for so little use -- usually only bring it out when friends are over], but was getting ready to pull the trigger on a PAX because it seems like a good fit for both moderate use and portable/can be used in public.
I was looking at reviews for the PAX when I saw a side-by-side with the Da Vinci. It seems like a much better product with fewer issues. The PAX does have a much smaller size, and it seems to me that it might be much easier to use it discretely in public than the Da Vinci. (A tube to the mouth from a "walkie-talkie" might draw attention, where the PAX might just look like a fat e-cig.) Public use really isn't a major issue for me, but if I'm going go buy something new, I'll like to have that option. But like I said, the Da Vinci seems to be a better product.
Then I saw the Ascent notice on their site.
I immediately went searching for more info (Expected price point? A better definition of "spring?") and I found this site.
I was happily reading all of your comments, when I came across the manufacturer's comments. I don't know if this is common in this world (last product I bought was about 8 years ago), but in other realms, getting any info out of a manufacturer that isn't on the press release about unreleased products is a fruitless effort. And here is the manufacturer answering questions about an un-released product. THat gives a lot of confidence that the product isn't--sorry for the pun--vaporware. And not only that but the tone of the messages was just really open and helpful. And then I read the response to the gassing issue with the current product, and some of the interaction with existing customer. Let me say that I am thoroughly impressed with the company, and if I wasn't convinced to buy their product before, I am now.
I like the style of the Ascent (I think it might be a bit more discrete in public use, which nixes a perceived value of the pax), I like the design choices the company is toying with (I, for one, don't have an issue with the croc skin, but I wouldn't get one--Something like carbon fiber would be much cooler.) I like the multi-stage programable heat that was suggested (and someone suggested being able to share that program as data, which is a pretty cool idea for some future rev), and I, of course, love the glass on glass aspect. I presume the quality will be as it is for the existing product, so all in all, it is looking like a great choice.
My questions are on the price point and when the Ascent will actually hit the market (I understand that all products have some slippage in release time frames. Shit happens. Best laid plans of mice and men...). If it is $$$$ then I'd just get the existing device. Realize no one can say was the actual release is until it is actually released, but I was all set to buy the PAX today, and now I'm looking at X months of waiting.
I mean, I guess I could buy the existing Da Vinci now, and then buy the Ascent whenever ti becomes real. Seems like kinda a waste of money, and my use is so little, I don't really need two units. And I guess there most likely isn't a market for used vapes?
Any while I'm here, any other suggestions or tips or info from the other board members? I'm not on any vape sites since my last purchase, and this isn't really my realm--Just a casual user. But I'm open to any other info from the more "seasoned" people around here.