I simply lift the lid of a jar a hair.. stick the tip in and blow (toward the jar inner wall).I just rap mine on the inside of a pint jelly jar and it falls right out. The SS tips really made a huge difference for me in that regard. I think you kids just miss spitwad fights so you're blowing these things out.
How bags are more old school than jars is beyond me. Jars are a tech that's not much newer than mud.
I did chuckle, and "like" your comment here... because as a kid I did not go to school, and although I was "the scourge of the streets" I never knew what a "spitwad" was.. until I googled it.
and now, I wanted to thank all of you for being who you are ... to me... to others, and to Zapville.
I remade a video, from last month about Sunday.
I cartoonized it and added a soundtrack, meaningful to my life.
I hope you will go back in this thread for a second, and take a second look at "On Sunday The Vaporist Rests"
I did this feeling sentimental, and present this as a gift for Sunday... tomorrow!