Good morning everyone! I received my beautiful dark walnut myrtlezap in the mail yesterday (thanks Rick!) and took it for it's maiden voyage last night. Needless to say, I'm extremely impressed! I love my little mflb, but found it somewhat complicated to use once flying. Not difficult per se, just requiring a degree of concentration to prevent combustion toward the end of my draw.
No longer a problem with my MZ! Now I can relax, put on a movie or some music, and let the magic happen without worrying about combustion. Interestingly, I noticed that the MZ got me just as medicated on the same amount of herb as my mflb, but the abv came out much lighter. This should mean better goodies in the future!
My only minor issue last night was removing the abv from the stem. Attempting to blow it into my abv container turned out to be a disaster!
What do my new log vape brothers and sisters do to save that wonderful abv?
Also, do you have any advice for use? I found myself taking two or three big draws, blowing the goodies out to stir / crumble and then reloading for another draw or three (until I couldn't see any visible vapor for two consecutive hits). Is this stirring necessary? Any other tips?
Thanks so much, and happy vaping!
P.S. if you haven't gotten a glass tooty yet, get one! I love it!