Is it just me or does FC sign you out very fast? Hmmm....anywhoo..
On the topic of my avatar lol.....yes indeed it can be hmmmmm let's say distracting..........I found myself being almost as distracted staring at Chaos' avi. Ha love that one.....Just hope my avatar isn't too offensive for this forum....never can tell these things. Hey I love it
I personally use a mason jar for my avb.
Rick, Was wondering.....see I have 2 Zaps, love em. Thank you again. I'm a customer for life. The 1st one I ordered was a Myrtle 2nd was a Cherry. I'm back and forth btw NY & LA a bunch so I keep my Myrtle unit in NY. Most the time I'm using my Cherry. I now prefer my avb looking more on the lighter side. I use a 12v on both units. I always felt my Myrtle maybe ran a tad to warm (for my liking) but it wasn't a make or break thing I just prefer it lighter. But now I'm finding the Myrtle is charring a bit too much. I can actually taste a bit of a possible combustion or some kind of unsavory taste. My cherry on the other hand has fully burned in but gives me more of a lighter avb, although still, I would prefer lighter still. To be exact, I LOVE the temperature that an UN-BROKEN in (or burned in if you will) unit produces. Love it. So my question to you is, when I order my next unit, is there anyway at all to maybe get my temperature down just a smidge? Thicker log? Thinner log? Wood type? The new tooty tips probably help a bit as well. If you cannot I understand completely. I will just order and hope that she's a bit cooler. Also might help to mention the Myrtle heat port is a bit loose now (she's taken a few hits) but it doesn't bother me. Don't know if that would factor in.....just thought I should mention it. Thanks for your time Rick. Really appreciate it
Funny thing is I used to like my AVB on the darker end. Guess I've matured.

hahaaa on second thought, doubt it.