I did a search: kief+vap but did not find much info reguarding this.
I'm using a MZ, and out of green, but opened my kief holder to find a nice buildup.
I've simply been using some ABV to cover the screen (to avoid pulling the kief straight through), then scoop a bit of kief onto the top of that.
This is definitely getting the job done, multiple hits are quite strong/potent.
Just wondering if anyone else has suggestions? Or how do you consume your kief in your vape?
BTW, it does an amazing job of puting you to sleep..and sleeping a full nights sleep.
I generally have sleeping issues (falling asleep) and this properly takes care of that.
If only sleep deprivation were a legit symptom for mmj...cuz it does, honestly, cause problems in society. Anyway..
:Edit: Sigh, this is not MZ specific..why does stuff like this always get clustered together.. The next person to search "kief+vaping" will have to read thru 120 pages to find this info? Thats why search doesn't work properly atm in the first place. Its a "General Vaporizing" question. Directed at all vaporizer users..