The Wizard was so sweet. She put a very nice end to the wedding story that some may be aware of. She was the prosecutor, determining what to do with three charges against me. DUI, posess of MJ and posess of paraphanalia. One a potential biggee, two bad but not as bad as the first. Busted big time. To jail, bailed out, home at daybreak instead of 10 the night before. Never been busted, never had a DUI. Big deal for these old country hicks. Bigger deal for son #2 that got married. He is having a tough time accepting it all.
So we go in, my lawyer and me(2 hrs one way) and he tells me about penalties, what to expect, etc, etc. We have a ball talking because we go back to 1980 or so. No metal detectors in this courthouse. We meet with the prosecutor and exchange small talk. Then she looks at Jeff and says.........."so what do you have in mind?" He says we would like to go down to inattentive driving on the DUI and we will cop to the posess charges as Rick is self employed so the drug thing will not affect him that much. She threw out the MJ posess charge as there was really nothing.......a trace which they called a gram. So she starts going through her fine chart on the posess and shakes her, I am throwing that one out too. So I go up to the clerk and dole out less than 4 bills and go on my way. All done. No more. It is over. Wow, how quick, maybe 5 minutes. No judge. Hours literally of police work gone that quick. It helped much that I blew under, am 64 and had a clean record.
Zaplady BTW was strong and calm through the entire affair. She was a hero in many ways.
Since I got a lawyer, we got to see all the discovery of police reports and video tape so we learned even more.
If packing a log type vape, only keep the flower with it. It is totally safe that way. Vapor stems of any kind will turn it 180 degrees. No, they had absolutely no clue as to what it first.
End of that story. Now on with life. Back to safe Zapville. And it will NOT happen again. Kind of like a speeding ticket. If you do not speed, you will not get a speeding ticket. The fun can wait til we are home from now on.