Nah, I kinda wish it had a smartpath thing but you can cycle through the presets manually. Just get into session mode and the double click left or right to cycle through the presets (you'll see a little I, II or III at the bottom to let you know which preset you're on. I haven't changed their values yet but should be easy enough. I think they default to 356, 392 and 428F
Oh cool, still better than nothing I suppose! I'll have to try to change mine to 339, 350, 361 perhaps if I use them to temp step quicker...
Learned that the hard way

. Generally to keep the oven clean I always load upside down and take the first couple of hits like that. Once the herb is vaped once or twice it'll usually stay in place.
Haha yes always load upside down, and I too try to hit that way, classic gerbil style, but I try to be less ocd with mine than I am with other vapes (which I use only upside down completely lol) -- when I was loading the stock stem with my friend, I would pack tight, and then turn the stem over even shake it around to make sure there weren't any loose crumbs to fall even before loading in the solo or hitting it at all yet (there's also the ocd of vapor getting back up into the device that I try to ignore now lol)
Agreed! Haven't even tried on demand yet. I think a very coarse grind or little nuglets might work well to avoid scoobies. Maybe could also try a couple nugs close to the screen and then coarse grind the rest of the way or just see what it's like with a coarse metal screen added.
Yeah you'll have to experiment, sometimes it's just what I end up with, and the sessions are not as enjoyable here for me that way
Can the firmware be updated tho? I don't remember reading anything on that.. I don't think they have any firmware updates for any Arizer products on their site? maybe I missed it..
There has been nothing mentioned about a firmware update, and I do not think it is something you can do after the fact... So if you would like extra features, it might be a good idea to keep waiting, although we have heard nothing about them making any changes at all yet... Could be quite a while!
Never was a fan of straw/suck stem loading.. always got some snacks whether it be a dyna or any old regular stem. Always wondered about that method since raw plant matter could be getting sucked right up into your lungs.. What if there were spores or whatnot.. I get it if your using dispensary buds maybe it's been tested and clean (not always the case even with dispos) but street stuff I wouldn't want to be inhaling raw unless I grew it myself.. just in case! after it warms up and has some time exposed to heat to kill any nasties, the better.. probably just my own personal peeve tho. Sorry if I ruined straw pack for anyone else now.. lol.
I'm not sure, theoretically it's going in your throat, you are eating it, so that's a broader question if you are inhaling dust or particles in general, how big they have to be etc. Don't see much people talk about this concern too much, conceivably small particles could be bad, but that is a deeper discussion for its own thread probably (there may already be one somewhere)