I know when I first got mine, when doing the burn off, I blew into the air intake on the bottom after it got hot. A small puff of vapor-like stuff came out.
Good idea! that didn't occur to me at the time, unfortunately. I burnt it off a few times and figured "ehh, if that isn't doing it, guess I'll just use it."
I'll do a mini comparison to the (original, first run version, as I bought it immediately upon release) Arizer Air.
I gotta say... this is a damn good vaporizer.

I think I saw a picture or two of it, but I had no clue as to how small it was! I think I figured it was maybe 30% larger than it actually is -- not quite as large as the Da Vinci models I glanced at years ago when I was researching my first vaporizer purchase, but not THAT small. I knew the tech would've come along over the years, but damn. what a time to be alive!
I don't understand how anyone could possibly complain about draw resistance... there's almost none. anyone who thinks the draw resistance is a problem may possibly have some issues with lung capacity or breathing, in which case, I'm not qualified to comment on that.
I'm generally comparing that to my Air, but also various Pax models and a couple desktop ones my friends have had over the years, and recently some "Zeus" branded Crafty clone / ripoff. the draw resistance is so low that when I loaded the chamber and took a moderate pull that would have been equivalent to what I would've used on the Air, I immediately ended up with bits in my mouth. that's really not my thing, so I pulled out the stem, tapped it out, stuck one of the four supplied screens in the stem, reloaded it, and all was well!
having the granular temperature adjustment is really nice. I also don't understand complaints about "instant on" versus the heat-up time. this thing heats up damn fast. subjectively, it seems to be at least 2 - 3x faster than the original Air's warmup time. mind you, I'm using this indoors presently, not in sub-zero Canadian winter temperatures, which would obviously take longer and be harder on the battery.
the standard accessories in the ArGo box are thoughtful and well packaged. it comes with the charger, a micro USB cable, 4 screens, 2 glass stems, a stirring tool (which I would use to scrape the bits out of the screen when cleaning if needed -- stirring isn't necessary!), and I think a small carry case? at first I thought one of my glass stems cracked in transit / packaging, but it turned out it was just the protective plastic sleeve around it. top marks there. the 420 EDC package is an awesome value add, as you get your choice of several options (additional battery, more stems, grinder, IIRC) and a case for the same price as I found other online stores listing it. I suspect Arizer enforces a minimum advertisable price (MAP) with its sellers, so this is a very smart way to provided added value while respecting that requirement. highly recommended.
initial impression of the battery life was kinda meh, but that could've been due to a combination of factors (multiple burnoffs, fiddling with the temperature), so I won't get into that. wouldn't surprise me if the batteries don't last as long as they would in the Air for me, given that this thing heats up so damn fast. it would be nice if I could tune the heatup time to stretch the battery out, but that's probably a firmware thing that is set at the factory and locked in place for a good reason, I presume.
so yeah, my only gripes initially would be very minor things.
- I wish they'd kept the entire chassis metal, as grippy plastic can kind of decay after a few years into that weird slimy, sticky mess, possibly due to a combination of moderate heat and the oils on our hands? I'm basing this off of experiences with a few remote controls we've had in the house. it doesn't seem to be the same type of rubberized material that can get all funky. maybe it's the rubberizing and it's not a plastics issue, I have no idea. I still think all metal would be classier and possibly slightly more durable, but the plastic is probably there to keep it cool in the hand during use, with most of the heat being dissipated around the intake and heating core chamber.
- that battery door cover seems like it might not hold up to abuse. it looks sturdy enough, but I kinda prefer the simplicity of the threaded bottom on the Air. anything with moving / mechanical parts is generally the first thing to fail. I don't plan on swapping batteries all that frequently to avoid general wear and tear, possibly throwing a small rechargeable portable Li-Ion and micro USB cable in my stash case to top up the unit when it gets low. (assuming there's enough current / amperage to charge it?)
- similar nervousness about the spring loaded top. it works well enough, but I'll only use it when absolutely necessary. I'm going to keep it in the supplied crush resistant carry case with the top permanently down (stem up). I don't see myself carrying it outside of the carry case frequently, and if I do, Mark at 420 EDC recommended I put it in a soft / cloth case if I'm going to toss it in my pocket, to avoid possibly scratching the OLED screen, which is a good tip.
- would've been nice to have some inverted plug caps in the box as well, as opposed to just the rubber stem caps that only protect the stem when it's in the "use" position (stem up, spring loaded top down). just seems to be a bit of an oversight, as wouldn't people want to keep materials from falling out when transporting it? I would think the spring loaded cover is intended to go up and cover the stem, but the cover can't be up with the rubber cap on.
as mentioned, can't accurately comment on the battery as of yet. I have two batteries (thanks again to 420 EDC for putting together a fantastic bundle, Mark was a pleasure to deal with), so if one turns out to be a lemon, I'll figure that out in a few weeks.
I also bought a bubbler stem and took advantage of the 420 EDC bundle and got a WPA stem with my purchase. maybe I'll take a swing at using these on the weekend if I get the chance. I'd recommend this vape to anyone who wants something that's easy to use and probably more reliable than the competitors. from what I gather, Arizer has been doing this for a long time, and I don't think my minor complaints are going to be much of an issue in actual day to day use.
it's funny that I am even considering day to day use, as I went through phases where I didn't partake at all for a month or two, but the convenience and ability to "tune" my session temperature according to the strain I'm using and experience I want is absolutely divine. that was the main reason I upgraded, but I gotta say... the additional portability (or should I say "palm-ability"?) and lowered draw resistance are equally compelling. I never knew I would've wanted that in the first place!
pretty good odds that I'm gonna buy myself the affordable Dynavap soon as well for a different use case -- going out to punk shows and concerts, like I am tonight! I used to make a habit of rolling a bunch of j's in advance and loading up a cigarette case, but that's a lot more expensive and I mostly just ended up sharing them around. it's fun to look like a big spender sometimes though, haha.

the usual caveats apply: it's a lot harder on the lungs / body, the smell gets everywhere (though I mostly like that!), and even though it's all legal for recreational use here now, there's still a stigma in some venues and it's not like cops and security people will all change their attitudes overnight. a vaporizer will get you there with less chance of being cast as a social pariah, so hooray for that!
I'm excited to bring my ArGo with me when I'm keeping an eye on my stuff, but for something that can really take abuse, is even more pocketable, and won't break my heart / budget if I erm.... somehow misplace it... I'll be getting the Dynavap. more compact, super low tech, but again, a totally different use case. (can't really regulate the temperature per se...?)
the Arizer Go is a winner. go buy one, ya turkeys.

it's so damn good, I'm getting back into the habit in a big way along with other healthy habits (like long neglected exercise!). not sure what higher praise I can give than that!