Well-Known Member
Gentle Friends,
A possible 'off the shelf' cap for ArGo occurred to me, they are also made in square and rectangular form and used to cap tubes. So I measured mine, it's a 'close enough for jazz' fit to 1 X 2 inch standard size.
E-Bay sells 'em (go figure) as no doubt outfits like McMaster Carr. I'll let you know how it works when mine get here.......
Gentle Friends,
I just got the above caps (I ordered two) from EBay, and in a word: BINGO!!!

Fits like it was designed for the job. Those looking for such a cap/cover will be pleased. I'm not sure how complete the smell containment will be but would think it's at least as good as a stem cap? Even color coordinated........
Now to find the charger for the camera battery.......lucky I had a charged spare with it.....