I have now read the previous information about ArGo from the web and watched the video of Troy/420 Vapezone several times (thanks a lot!). Since yesterday I regularly press F5, but there are hardly any new posts to the ArGo.
Maybe one or two ArGO owners might tell us about their impressions: -)?
@OF you R so clever!Naw, sorry, ain't buying it. Your not going to skate out of this that easy.
You might not have known a lot about batteries but you knew enough to ask the right question, the one that got me to thinking/investigating what was up. I don't even recall what you said. Maybe something innocent like 'what do we do when the battery fails?'? Got me to thinking why do some battery packs in laptops, cell phones and so on fail faster than others. Curiosity took over from there.
Without your input it would not be. It's your fault.
My education is different but not Electronics's?
You have what I love: KNOWABLE!
OK I'm stoned not medicated.Naw, not a bit of it, just different skills. You don't see me trying to surf do you? Or trying to be irresistible to women? You just wondered into my pond is all.
Don't discount your question(s), great insights rarely happen in a vacuum. Seeds need to be planted usually, often by accident.
Everybody is bringing something to the party, whatever they can? The key part is we're sharing and helping each other along.
Which is what makes this such a great place. And a good place for guys like you and me to hide.
My wife is HYPER intelligent.
However she is AWESOME look and BODY!
IKR! (all my kid's have changed the way to write stuff.) don't waste word's: "they say"?Come on, she can't be all that sharp.....look who she married?
IKR! (all my kid's have changed the way to write stuff.) don't waste word's: "they say"?
@OF I'll get a ARGO when no-one is watching?
The deal breaker for me is I want to collect VAPORIZER's!Sorry, "IKR" went right past me???
But I do have to advise you about your plan to get and ArGo 'when no one is watching' isn't going to work. We're watching you carefully. In shifts, Mutual Protection and all that. Common good.
Have been for a while.
In a rare (and hopefully brief) serious comment on that topic, if you have a 'need' for taking it with you, this one deserves careful consideration, IMO. Modest concessions to get truly small size that still delivers that Solo/Air performance. Very handy. And almost sure to be durable as all get out.
Looked at the other way, if the idea interests you and the price doesn't scare you away I'm very sure you won't regret getting one. Even if the prices seems a bit high (and IMO it is for now at least), using it a bit has me convinced it was money well spent. Very well, in fact.
Come on in, the water's fine. If you like Solo (and we kinda get the idea you do.....) but wish it was smaller and more discrete sometimes, here ya go! You get other 'upgrade' features over Solo I of course, but somehow I don't see that as being a deal breaker with you.
Regards to all who have read this far.....
11 pages and I can count on one hand the amount of posts actually relevant to the ArGo, and very little to none about how it performs/compares to the solo/air etc.
Sort of upset I read through all this. Not sure what I expected. Usually this site has better moderation especially during product releases.
I get the vapes new and info is hard to come by but that makes keeping this thread relevant and on topic without the needless side banter all the more important. It allows the information everyone wants to be easily and readily found.
I rarely find the desire to comment on these forums. Usually I read and walk away with good information. Not today I guess.
11 pages and I can count on one hand the amount of posts actually relevant to the ArGo, and very little to none about how it performs/compares to the solo/air etc.
Sort of upset I read through all this. Not sure what I expected. Usually this site has better moderation especially during product releases.
I get the vapes new and info is hard to come by but that makes keeping this thread relevant and on topic without the needless side banter all the more important. It allows the information everyone wants to be easily and readily found.
I rarely find the desire to comment on these forums. Usually I read and walk away with good information. Not today I guess.
You could buy one and let us know. That's the same process we all use to make this forum a great place.
To be honest I find your post cringe worthy for someone who does not themselves contribute useful information on the forum but I could just be stoned!
I may not have been stoned enough for my reply.
Probably some speculation because it’s a brand new vaporizer. Not many have this unit yet. Just chill and enjoy what there is to offer. The rest will come in due time.11 pages and I can count on one hand the amount of posts actually relevant to the ArGo, and very little to none about how it performs/compares to the solo/air etc.
Sort of upset I read through all this. Not sure what I expected. Usually this site has better moderation especially during product releases.
I get the vapes new and info is hard to come by but that makes keeping this thread relevant and on topic without the needless side banter all the more important. It allows the information everyone wants to be easily and readily found.
I rarely find the desire to comment on these forums. Usually I read and walk away with good information. Not today I guess.
How many batteries should I be looking to order?
Ok, since everyone forced me to try the ArGo some more...
7 draws on 372, 2 more on 392. ABV is even. Vapor can be a bit harsh on back-to-back-back type sessions. But hey, what do you expect from a 400 degree oven the size of a pager?
Effects are relly good. It seems to work better if the stem is in from the start. Little extra conduction goin on there. Man those stems can get hot towards the end.
The tiny form factor is pretty cool. The pop top shield is a bit gimmicky. It medicates well and doesn't get hot in your hands even at 400+ for part of the session.