I found 2 different studies on thc resorption, one of them even about resorption over time. On German, I'll give you the sources anyway and let google translate some interesting passages. Sadly they did not always include exact measurement methods and leaves some questions unanswered:
As demonstrated in a recent study , the duration of breath holding does not affect so much on the state of intoxication as is commonly believed among marijuana users . The subjects had been instructed by the inhalation of smoke breath for a different length of time ( 0 , 10 or 20 seconds ) to stop . Although found with prolonged breath holding ( 10 and 20 seconds respectively over 0 sec . ) , A slightly higher plasma levels of delta-9 - THC , but it had no effect on the subjective state of intoxication ."
The 2nd study is a book from Moeller, Laux and Kapfhammer. It's called "psychiatry and psychotherapy ". On page 193 they say the lungs are able to do a nearly complete resorption with each inhalation. Sadly no time frame (breath holding) included, but I would guess test persons where simply "smoking" joints in a regular way. (1g MJ with 5% in a joint was the dosage, 50mg. In the blood system where 25-50% of the inhaled activities depending on the test person)
So I have to assume I could be wrong with using L.I.T. and
@steama has a "better", less "harmful" or at least a technique with same efficiency. I'll use L.I.T anyways in the future when I'm low on material. Since I'm luckily nearly never low on material I'll just be happy that I can apparently change my drawing style to a more comfortable one; simply deep inhale without holding breath like I did when combusting.

A deep inhale will cause some re-breathing anyways. I'll see if I'll use more material per day when not holding breath at all...
But I'm still confused. If this all is true, all the talk about wasteful vapes and techniques was "nonsense"? Every inhalation style results in the same resorption rate? Is there a maximum of thc per inhalation? What's with the studies saying 1/3 is exhaled? Isn't this depending on the inhaled amount of vapor or activities, too? When someone dabs 0.5g BHO in one hit, how much does he exhale? Wouldn't re-breathing such a large amount of pure thc increase resorption or make a second person high? Or are human lungs able to handle such amounts of vapor? Just a mind play....
But I feel like I'm derailing know. I'll do some testings. For science. How much back-to-back-bowls with different breath holding times until I'll pass out

. I will sacrifice some week-ends and start this Saturday with breath holding for 10 secs... At least I won't pass out first testing day because of lacking oxygen! sunday no breath holding at all. Next Saturday 20 secs. Then 30 secs with re-breathing and so on...