Thanks for all your help already. Will do.If you ever got any questions about anything like this, just drop me a line my friend. I'm happy to help where I can and am a qualified research psychologist (not clinical!).

Thanks for all your help already. Will do.If you ever got any questions about anything like this, just drop me a line my friend. I'm happy to help where I can and am a qualified research psychologist (not clinical!).
A pleasure my friendThanks for all your help already. Will do.![]()
I know I sound like broken record?Wish I could choose appropriate strains for my anxiety! These days things are looking up for me and I've been much better depression wise but anxiety is a nightmare and I've had quite some panic attacks lately!
Need to get me some more OL cbd oils!
Vaping is my medicine also.
I haven't had benzos in the house in ages. I don't want drugs of addiction in my house. I've chased that dragon before and I am not interested in starting again.
I think having a good pen cart full of cbd oil is a must, I love the new Kiss dual coil alpha centauri cart because I can keep it in my pocket and get a nail sized hit very quickly wherever I am if I feel a panic attack coming on!
By the way, for those talking about chamomile tinctures above, I am not sure if you guys are familiar but a long while back I made some very nice chamomile QWISO sap. It dabbed very clean and was super tasty. Might try my hand at it again sometime soon with all the new tech I've developed since then!
Chamomile is nice as a mild relaxer, but I would not be relying on it for major league anxiety!
@Joel W. bro, I feel for you, I had an ex who was shooting meth from quite a young age and she often reported feeling like she was still on it. Not too long after she got extremely sick and we had to end things (I went through hell and this was extremely damaging to my mental health in a lasting way, but I just can't hold it against her knowing what she'd been through in the past); she got back into it again - in part she said to get over anxiety. I believe her. I have never seen someone with such bad anxiety. It was heartbreaking.
Glad you managed to get out of that ice rabbit hole brother! Go easy on yourself, you've come a long way! Still do your best to take care of your partner, I know from my own behaviors without talking about ex's that we can really not treat our partners how we would like to (and really should) when we are overcome with depression/anxiety.
Be very careful with SSRI's. They fucked me. Lexapro took away my sex drive almost completely and it has not gotten back to normal ever since (stopped using it a year or two ago!) and I found if I didn't take my pill at the right time every day, my depression and anxiety were worse than ever!
There is a burgeoning body of psychiatric literature finding that past clinical studies may have significantly overblown the efficacy of SSRI's for depression because of publication bias amongst other problems (publication bias is the tendencies for journals to publish studies with significant findings rather than those that find little effect - subsequent meta-analyses can then be skewed as a result of the lack of published articles with less exciting findings).
Got really bad neurological side effects from the Lexapro too, especially when starting on it. These side effects themselves almost drove me to suicide once or twice.
If you ever got any questions about anything like this, just drop me a line my friend. I'm happy to help where I can and am a qualified research psychologist (not clinical!).
Bro, I wish I could get that one actually! I've never tried GSC.I know I sound like broken record?
However GIRL SCOUT COOKIES helps my anxiety!
I hope this strain is legally available where you live!
I've been making concentrates all night, so excuse me if I've already said this here or am otherwise making zero sense.![]()
@Bravesst you could try adding legal herbs to your rotation. Chamomile, lavender and stuff like that can be very helpful from both a vaping and aromatherapy standpoint.
I don't know how physically limited you are, but running and yoga have both been really helpful for me lately, especially while high. The slower the yoga the better for me because it takes a while to get my body to let go in a position - anxiety tends to make people so tense that they don't realize they are holding and clenching everywhere, heh.
Of course I also agree 100% with Ms. @CarolKing - higher temps are more relaxing. Maybe changing things up a bit will help, so if you can try that. Maybe even a small break or limiting the amount or time of day will help rebalance the levels in your system so you aren't hitting the anxiety levels. Especially since you are on a prescription and drinking daily. You gotta start trimming out some variables and I'm going to say start with the drinking, because that is a depressant and so is the Zoloft. I'm sure it's not doing you any favors.
I almost exclusively use Indica because of my anxiety. If you're in a legal state, I find the dab tek white carts are great for medicating for anxiety as the doses are very low per puff. 4 puffs medicates me before bed, 2 puffs gives me a lot of anxiety relief without the high. I use this throughout the day, 2 puffs every 2 hours like clockwork.
I'm currently vaping white rhino and it is working out very well for me. I hope you're making progress with all the suggestions =)
I'm in NY, not really a choice. I'd bet it's not INDica though. How can you tell if the strain is indica?
Does ABV, edibiles, have any value here?
will do@Bravesst please pm me for some further suggestions to battle your anxiety, get off of ssri's and get a better night of sleep. I have been battling chronic depression, panic attacks, and generalized anxiety disorder for 20+ years. Currently, I am free of all ssri's . My biggest battle was finding a level of calm and clarity that I could establish as a general baseline. I still have peaks and valleys with my mental state, but the majority of my symptoms are well managed.
ABV can be very helpful with relaxing, sedating. Edibles can be a terrifying experience if not done with discretion. The worst part of edibles for me is self-titrating (test dosing). Too many variables with the edible for me to rely on for consistent results.
Man, I feel for you guys. I had an anxiety attack once in my life and I thought I was having a heart attack and that I was going to die. Went to the emergency room. Diagnosis..........anxiety attack.
I got my own issues to deal with but anxiety is not one of them but I sure as hell don't want to add it to the list.
Thoughts and prayers go out to all of ya......
You learn to control it and recognize the signs. But yeah it's no fun.
I know it's not what you wanna hear;