Hey all, I got my Anvil about a week ago, and I'm absolutely loving it. Extremely consistent, same roast every time. Last weekend we had an unseasonably warm Saturday, so I decided to have a nice wake and bake on the patio. Ran it completely native with the regular mouthpiece, and I was really surprised how nice it felt to puff on rather than take huge pulls off of. I thought this kept vapor at a good temp; it was warm, but not unreasonably so.
I did have a question though and I'm hoping someone could offer advice. I'm having a hard time getting a solid 1HE off this thing, and was wondering if maybe there's a variable I haven't explored.
I have a Thermocore (full bowl), and I use it with a Wand. The the insert is placed far enough down that the air intakes are sitting just about even with the hole in the wand, maybe slightly above. I heat until second click. I also always heat with the bowl in the vape, as I tried the "preheating the oven" method and adding the cold bowl to it and got zero vapor so I gave up on that.
The intakes I've tested in every permutation, whether that's small holes only, large holes only, fully open, or large holes partially obscured. I don't have a preference yet for native use but for bubbler-use I try to run mostly or fully open.
So far no matter what, I can never get a full extraction off of of a single heatups. It always takes two generally, sometimes even 3.
Is there a technique for draw speed I'm not aware of? I don't really know how to quantify my pull strength but it feels somewhat in the middle? Usually on the first heat up, my bubbler rip lasts about 7-8 seconds before all the vapor disappears. It's usually here that I'll plop it on a Reload to check the roast and let the cooldown clicks happen...and my roast is always amber or lighter. I can always see some green bits left.
That isn't to say the pulls are weak, however. This thing hits HARD. I just kinda hoped the Anvil could be my one-and-doner, the one I could load up and cash out in a couple minutes. So having to reheat it 2-3 times kinda sucks, especially with how the thing just sucks all the juice out of the Wand after multiple heat ups haha.
Anyways, if you read this essay, I appreciate you. Hoping to get some sweet tips on getting faster extractions! I really do love this thing, I think maybe even more than my TM2 or Tempest. Just something about it I'm really digging.
Thanks folks!