Experimenting with doing daytime vaping before my runs recently, mainly as an excuse to vape more lol. But I have found the half bowl packed to 50% capacity or less is a pretty nice microdose. I've been aiming my torch between the bottom and middle of the chamber each time. Did 5 of them over the course of two hours or so and got a pretty nice buzz going. I noticed that when running on a vapcap my limbs felt a bit heavier overall and the Anvil left me more in my head during the run and less focused on the feeling of lifting my legs to run.
Could be just how I'm feeling physically in general rather than anything to do with vapor signature, but atm I lean towards it being a difference in vapor signature.
Regardless, I'm really liking half bowls filled half way or less for more of a daytime microdosing style of usage. And I wanted to share my analysis of the vapor signature outside of flavor because I notice a lot of speculation of vapor signature comes from a taste perspective rather than an effects perspective and I personally find vapor signature of effects more intriguing than signature in regards to taste.
Idk lol, I'm interested to see how other people find the experience to be, but I do lean towards this being a convection leaning device overall. I went at it with my Enano recently to compare though and the Anvil does not feel like full convection in comparison. So definitely leaning hybrid with a convection leaning but I have no idea about the actual percentage of them in the process lol. Like maybe 75% convection or 80% but fuck if I know lol. I just feel like based off my 5 mile runs after vaping a vapcap and an Anvil, I could definitely feel a difference between those experiences. Intrigued to see if others feel the same or if I'm off here.
Also, with the Blazer Firefox, I have been able to tone it down to a spot where when I ride the line it doesn't come out quite as a "ride the line" roast but comes out still as dark as I'd personally like it. To do find that spot that I like, I brought the flame to a size where the avb came out blackened completely and then toned it down slowly until it was no longer demolished basically lol. That process of slowly toning down my flame rather than trying to make the flame bigger (like with my eagle torches) has been a better way to find that sweetspot with my torch. So maybe this sounds like blasphemy, but if you are having issues finding a sweetspot with your torch, I suggest maybe throwing caution to the wind and risking combustion and then slowly pulling things back rather than starting low temp and slowly working your way towards rtl. But that's entirely a subjective finding of mine and I'm just gonna suggest it to those that always lean towards the side of caution with vaping (like me lol).
PS. I can't shut up about this vape because I love the heck out if so far but I'm afraid to express that sentiment on another site out of fear of coming off like a total shill for this vape. It has become quite apparent why the founders club maybe came off as paid off promoters initially. Here's my counter-argument for that sentiment, maybe the Anvil is actually just that good

Lol but in all seriousness, maybe the mixed reviews it just a matter of different strokes for different folks, hence vas leading people into all sorts of different directions, but for me personally this vape seems to be the VAS killer that I never would have expected. Always been into temp stepping and slowly working through a bowl, but I guess a quick hit and done is also a pretty great way to consume herb, go figure. It's nice to have a vape that just gets to the point in all honesty.