hey, how u did it ? have had my Alfa for 1 year now, just want to clean a bit, but without canceling the warranty :]I wouldn't be without my tamping tool. It's made from the bottom inch of a calpol plastic tube. For those not in the uk, this is the plastic syringe type thing that comes with liquid paracetamol for kids. I cut this off with a hack saw and the hole just needed widening very slightly. I tamp 3-4 times with each layer of herb until full. I then add the second screen and tamp that too. With a fine grind and care taken to pack well, I can get decent clouds and an oven that lasts really well. My Alfa loves very well cured and dry material best of all. One noteworthy observation is that it's best to avoid getting material into the gap where the door lock slider fits into as this does result in material making its way into the internals of the unit. I've had mine apart once to give the inside a decent but careful clean.
also, someone have found a case for our little hero ? cuz im having a hearth attack when i drop it

and +1 more tip for you guys, buy a Magic Flight Finishing grinder, its just PERFECT for our vape! really fine grinded material and super packed chamber.
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