Hey Fellows,
I have had the Alfa for about 8 months now (and I've been vaping exsclusively for about 1 year, hooray!), i feel i can give a better review of this unit.
- really tasty vapor! i like Alfa's taste better than many units. I can really feel all subtle differencies beetween my herbs. vapor is thick and smooth. alfa is a sipper. so to me there's no point in doing long draws with this one, i think one should always do short 2 seconds draws. so if you only like to do long slow (convection) draws this might not be the vape for you.
- really small and stealthy. also supersleek design, everyone likes it at first sight.
- super easy to use. 3 temps settings work for me. i never use the 2 autos... i mostly use it on mid and low...
- efficient. vapes fairly evenly thanks to the pin. only the very first layer facing the oven's door usually stays greener. but you can stir for the last 2 draws... uses little material efficiently i think. best way to use IMO is to pack it full, press a little but not too much, it can easily built a little resistance (was happening a lot at the beginning for me), but when you get the feel of it it's great...
- easy and fast cleaning. needs regular cleaning (every other day more or less), but is very easy to clean. also it's much better to unload it right after session's over, helps a lot to stay clean, as well as vaping the full charge in one session.
- battery life is enough for 4-5 sessions which is good to me.
- construction flaws. this is the main issue i think. i don't remember the name of a FC user who wrote a reddit page about unmounting the Alfa... ayways, thanks mate! really helpful and you're totally right: outer shell (chassis) is not tight to the unit, there's a very small gap, but big enough for material to get stuck inside. there's also surely some oil build up inside the unit. the result is that you can easily smell it

i would be very uncomfortable to send it to goboof for repair.
- batteries are built in. i will never buy another portable without user replaceable batteries... they will die eventually then i would have to send it to goboof for a battery change, and that would absolutely not be ideal for the stinking issues i was talking about.

- battery charge. takes waayy too long. 3+ hours. Also the charging input is not very well made IMO. sometimes it won't charge, you have to move the jack a little... i suspect there's some oil build up in that area that could be interrupting some connection at times. i say this because when i use it and end the session while the battery is going down (orange light) and put it to charge right after the session when the unit is still warm, i would never have charging issues. I do at times when the unit is cold.
also, sometimes when batteries are going down the light wouldn't go orange. sometimes it blinks a green light but never heats up. trying to understand what was going on, i learnt when this happens the unit is down on batteries and just needs a charge... kinda esoteric!
- customer service. sorry guys, love the Alfa, but goboof customer service is quite bad. i wrote them to explain the charging issues (and the building issues), they replied they would look into it but then nothing. in the meantime i understood it was blinking green and not heating up because it was down on batteries, and the unit started working again, but they never replied to me.
I think Alfa is a great portable vape. supersmall and stealthy yet tasty and efficient.
I really hope they will fix these issues in the future and maybe add external user replaceable batteries.
that would make this thing perfect (working on customer service also won't hurt).