Well, I hope I'm not stepping on any toes, but I find your question perfect for this forum. People here
talk about this stuff all the time. You get lots of ideas, and then you can decide,
I love the Arizer Air (or even better, the Solo). I personally have the Air, and I love it b/c it's pretty much idiot-proof. It's straight forward, and even though it's one button does all, it's not complicated. I've given up on vapes that have one button running the show/ How is someone enjoying a vape going to remember how many clicks does what. Anyway, this is simple, but elegant, in design. No bells. no whistles. Since I'm a natural-born ripper, I had to learn the fine art of sipping with this vape. Not hard.
Biggest drawback is the size of the bowl. You can't fill it to the top b/c it won't do the convection that way. So you can pack it tight, and I end up putting a small screen on top of the material and pushing down on it. Then you have to draw as if you were smoking a cigar, which I have never done.
This is a great vape, but you have to refill it often. The good thing is that it's easy if you keep some ground material & an adequately sized container available. Super easy to clean. Just keep ios, Q-tips, and pipe cleaning amount. A little brush to clean the oven is good, too.
My second fave for the situation you describe is the alfa. You can get more stuff in the bowl if you pack down & use the "sandwich method," i.e., a screen on the bottom and a screen on the top. You can load it if you have the spoon end of a Slurpee. You can also use the straw as a tamp to pack the load.
I like to include the glass pipe on the MFLB inside of the Alfa mouth piece. The draw was better somehow. But it's a pain if you're out camping trying to keep up with a small glass tube.
Good luck making your choice.