AirVape Vaporizer


Active Member
I've heard pretty good things about the legacy but I'm not sure I'd go for it at it's price point. I've had a little less than a week with the AirVape X so far and it's been perfect for walking my dog around my apartment complex. I usually start my session around 180-185 C and end around 200-210 C. I can usually finish the bowl in one 5 minute session. I fill the bowl loosely to the top of the entire chamber and then pack it down to just below the top of the ceramic chamber. This seems to work very well to get big clouds, even burn, and keep the mouthpiece clear without needing to use a screen. I'd recommend starting your bowl around 185 C and finishing it around 195 C if you want to avoid any throat irritation but still get a near-full extraction.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I am an AirVape X owner as well. I'm new in the vaping game, but I am loving my CBD. I have also noticed it has a huge effect on my vaping exprenice how much I stuff the chamber. Nicely grinded, fully packed and it gives me a great clud. I just need to figure out the best temp for me, because it tends to scratch my throat sometimes. Any tips for that? I am also curious tough, whn do you know its time to retire one vape and go for a new one. This Legacy looks intersting and they have I guess 50 bucks off now. Does it worth the price?
Still use my AirVape X after a cpl years...the Legacy is a totally different animal. Also an Excellent vape. Both are Top Shelf, IMO !!


New Member
I've heard pretty good things about the legacy but I'm not sure I'd go for it at it's price point. I've had a little less than a week with the AirVape X so far and it's been perfect for walking my dog around my apartment complex. I usually start my session around 180-185 C and end around 200-210 C. I can usually finish the bowl in one 5 minute session. I fill the bowl loosely to the top of the entire chamber and then pack it down to just below the top of the ceramic chamber. This seems to work very well to get big clouds, even burn, and keep the mouthpiece clear without needing to use a screen. I'd recommend starting your bowl around 185 C and finishing it around 195 C if you want to avoid any throat irritation but still get a near-full extraction.
Thank you that helps a lot, I am gonna give it a shot today.


Educator/Cannabis Evangelist
It heats fast but is capable of combustion with heavy draws
The airflow controls the conduction and the temperature setting matters less when above 350
The unit should come with two gold discs. Put on on the chamber tabs down and one over the diffuser disc, tabs folded ink to hold in place. With this configuration, 390 is a good place To START.

There is a small “D” screen covering a tiny hole in the air path next to the bowl. Remove this screen because it is unnecessary and will plug up quickly, rendering the unit nearly useless.

Great vape, not for the novice.


I just did a session in the Legacy.
Like you said... it heats fast.
The airflow controls the conduction and the temperature setting matters less when above 350
I am not sure if I read this right.. perhaps you mean the conduction of the electronics.
The Legacy is a 100% convection Vaporizer.
My session was great, but the flavors were not my favorite.
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Educator/Cannabis Evangelist
I disagree with the notion that Legacy is substantively different than the Crafty or other metal bowl Vapes. You cannot claim pure conduction and then heat your chamber to 300F. There will of course be some conduction. Davinci does a fine job with “pure conduction”. Semantics aside, there are too many variables to recommend this vape if the price is over $150. It simply is not that outstanding. Many issues with airpath and electronics have been reported. I myself have a similar issue, wherein a cold vape reads 250 from power on. Solution=Reset by battery removal.

Good vape, not great. Elegant, wireless charge, low power consumption


I've been using the Airvape XS, X, and upgraded to the Legacy. It's a nice device indeed. The only thing is loading is a bit cumbersome but after a while you get used to it.

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You cannot claim pure conduction
It is not a vape that uses conduction. The Legacy is a convection model.
(Possibly your intent.... I just don't want our readers to get confused)
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Well-Known Member
When this vape was releasedby Hebe as the Titan3, it sold for 47.95.......thus why never bought one from Airvape when they tripled the price. Maybe they have made improvements since then but it's still at best a $99 vape! There are several superior vapes in it's price range, many sell for less. Save your money and gt a better vape.
My Hebe Titan3 dies a long time ago, don't miss it a bit!


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I had no idea about that! It's definitely a vape that should be 60-80, but I do think the fit and finish is markedly better than the hebe. Plus the case is worth it's weight in gold!

Vapor quality was Not Good on the X, and the temp reads hilariously low. Nifty vape, though. The flat design is just so cool.
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