Airvape Enso

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Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
I just emailed and asked the same. I bought a legacy pro from them a while back as well as put the 25 down payment a while back. Just waiting to hear response. I'll buy it for the 210.

staircase slight of hand

Well-Known Member
consider maybe, there are circumstances, regulations, and situations we know nothing about that justify these launch delays, manufacture issues, and other unforeseen problems.
Precisely why “under-promise, over-deliver” is a thing. It’s like they keep punching themselves in the face, making promise after promise after promise for well over a year and not making good on any of them, and then we’ve got folks saying “go easy on them, can’t you see they keep getting punched in the face?” rather than address the obvious issue and ask why they don’t stop punching themselves in the face. I mean, this isn’t even like a borderline case. They chartered a fucking cruise to “launch” this non-existent product nearly a year ago, and now we’re being asked to accept that it’s huge in Germany (trust us!!). If they bring a good product to market some day that’s great, but we (unlike the idiots posting 4-star reviews of non-existent products) aren’t being compensated to be kind to them.


The Universe is our endless supply
Precisely why “under-promise, over-deliver” is a thing. It’s like they keep punching themselves in the face, making promise after promise after promise for well over a year and not making good on any of them, and then we’ve got folks saying “go easy on them, can’t you see they keep getting punched in the face?” rather than address the obvious issue and ask why they don’t stop punching themselves in the face. I mean, this isn’t even like a borderline case. They chartered a fucking cruise to “launch” this non-existent product nearly a year ago, and now we’re being asked to accept that it’s huge in Germany (trust us!!). If they bring a good product to market some day that’s great, but we (unlike the idiots posting 4-star reviews of non-existent products) aren’t being compensated to be kind to them.
I agree w you they have issues w rollouts and accountability but they have usually pulled through. They did take users advice in correcting the issues w the leagacy w the pro. I do gotta say I'm one of those reviews. I was not compensated and it was based on what I saw in person of the demo device and of past devices. Hopefully they do something for the people who essentially funded what looks to be a party rather than a product only to be slapped in face by not including them in the preorder.


Well-Known Member
Precisely why “under-promise, over-deliver” is a thing. It’s like they keep punching themselves in the face, making promise after promise after promise for well over a year and not making good on any of them, and then we’ve got folks saying “go easy on them, can’t you see they keep getting punched in the face?” rather than address the obvious issue and ask why they don’t stop punching themselves in the face. I mean, this isn’t even like a borderline case. They chartered a fucking cruise to “launch” this non-existent product nearly a year ago, and now we’re being asked to accept that it’s huge in Germany (trust us!!). If they bring a good product to market some day that’s great, but we (unlike the idiots posting 4-star reviews of non-existent products) aren’t being compensated to be kind to them.
nobody is asking you to believe if it's true. true or false, there were real reasons. none of them were for a nefarious purpose. they were trying to make a better, less expensive unit when most buyers said $800 WAS too expensive. so it was back to the drawing board.
anyway, it's no skin off my nose, i'm not an airvape employee, just a consumer who likes to try-out and test-out new stuff .
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staircase slight of hand

Well-Known Member
nobody is asking you to believe if it's true. true or false, there were real reasons. none of them were for a nefarious purpose.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not accusing anyone of any sort of dishonesty. All I’ve been saying is that the responses to the missed launch targets and general lack of info as to what’s going on has been completely understandable, as well as completely avoidable. I suspect that your most recent comment has more accurate, informative info in it than the entirety of what @Gary-Airvape has posted in this thread, and for that info to be coming from a beta-tester is not great.

From the sounds of your comment, it seems like airvape has significantly dialed back the ambitions of their original $800 concept, which doesn’t shock me, but it does strike me as extremely sketchy that they’re now doing pre-sales at the full $420 price while literally no one (aside from you and some other press-embargoed beta-testers) know a thing about the product, aside from the fact that it’s been scaled back from its original vision.

Again, I’m not accusing Airvape of anything aside from the appearance of ineptitude, which seems like a fair judgment given their actions. Yes, I realize that running a business is hard and problems happen, but there are ways to avoid this kind of blowback and Airvape seems 100% uninterested in putting in any work on that front. That’s all I’m taking issue with.


Well-Known Member
Again, I’m not accusing Airvape of anything aside from the appearance of ineptitude, which seems like a fair judgment given their actions. Yes, I realize that running a business is hard and problems happen, but there are ways to avoid this kind of blowback and Airvape seems 100% uninterested in putting in any work on that front. That’s all I’m taking issue with.
My first vape was the X, which I used for awhile and then started getting further into it. Their biggest mistake has consistently been their lack of transparency. If you miss a launch date, tell us. It would be nice if you explained why, but even that’s not as important as keeping us informed. With the Legacy they’d miss a deadline and not say anything or weeks later they’d announce a new date and blow by that with no communication unless we pestered them.


Well-Known Member
to be clear, my statement of the reason for scaled back unit because people thought no one would pay $800, was my personal observation by using logic. it did not come through an airvape source. it maybe wrong, so i wanted that to be known, it was an educated guess.
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4-Aces King-High

Well-Known Member
to be clear, my statement of the reason for scaled back unit because people thought no one would pay $800, was my personal observation by using logic. it did not come through an airvape source. it maybe wrong, so i wanted that to be known, it was an educated guess.
Again How Does one that got / Has the ALP Get A discount,can I send my ALP In with A code ?Wanting the Enso for $210 Also.


Agent Provocateur
After their roll out of the Legacy I won't buy another product . It was a debacle to say the least , and the little fix it kit they sent to diffuse heat was an after thought that sucked :uhoh::( .


Well-Known Member
I just got an email from AV inviting me to order the Enso. No mention of a discount. 420 USD.
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After their roll out of the Legacy I won't buy another product . It was a debacle to say the least , and the little fix it kit they sent to diffuse heat was an after thought that sucked :uhoh::( .
they made a big mistake, flubbed the fix, and offered an unsatisfactory resolution. those are good reasons not to buy from them in the future.
with that being said, i also find, some companies that have fucked up, will work hard to provide a better product next time and then, from now on.
that would be the airvape legacy pro, for example.

anyone can have reasons for a life long boycott of a company that did them wrong.
however, i will give anyone or any company, a second chance after a period of time but only if they improve their products, customer service dept.
they also need to work hard to insure the crap does not happen again.
then i'll give them another shot, but only one more and i better not be disappointed or fucked around. so seriously, that would be the end.

the gold one special edition
This is the model of Enso i want. Porcelain special addition

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Well-Known Member
that would be the airvape legacy pro, for example.
Disagree. Part of the reason for the “Pro” was to address the issues with the OG and its “microdosing basket,” which didn’t even fit in the oven. IIRC they released another version of it which worked equally badly (they also initially tried to charge buyers for it, but then settled on just charging for shipping.) The Pro answered this problem with the screw in “microdosing disk” which also really doesn’t work. AV addressed this by introducing dosing capsules, which were an extra charge and were impossible to open. They introduced dosing caps v2, which were also an extra charge unless you bought the first version, in which case they were half price. AV continually expects the customer to subsidize their ineptitude. I wouldn’t go near this Enso thing with a 20 foot pole.


Well-Known Member
I bought a pro, but not either version of the caps for this very reason. Yes, why would you want to hear about the previous failures of the company you’re about to pay a huge sum to for their latest “product?”
i think you made your point but you must have a agenda. thousands of owners, world-wide do not have your point of view. can we stop now.
i think the avlp is a fine vap not a failure
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staircase slight of hand

Well-Known Member
this is a enso sub not the negative history of airvape

The Enso doesn’t actually exist as a real product that can be objectively discussed. Airvape, on the other hand, is real company with a real history that’s obviously relevant to the launch of their latest product. To be quite honest, I think it’s extremely rich that you’re accusing others of having an agenda.

And just to have everything above board here: you were provided a free unit for testing, correct? Odd that you edited that one particular comment of yours…
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Grass Yes

Staff member
I'm going to ask you all to please bring this back on topic. Complaints about products and companies fine, but please post once and keep it moving.

I would like to remind everyone that we don't allow personal attacks and our #1 rule is Be Nice. These are vape companies, no need to defend their honor. If you see a problem, please report and let us take care of it.

staircase slight of hand

Well-Known Member
Some interesting terms of service from Airvape:

“We are not responsible if information made available on this site is not accurate, complete or current. The material on this site is provided for general information only and should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making decisions without consulting primary, more accurate, more complete or more timely sources of information. Any reliance on the material on this site is at your own risk.”

@Gary-Airvape, can you clarify where consumers should be finding these “primary, more accurate, more complete or more timely sources of information”, if it’s not your own website????
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Grass Yes

Staff member
The article keeps using the word "SMOKE".

I thought FC was opposed to smoking.

I didn't read every word, but I didn't see vaporization or vaporizer.

Tobacco also mentioned.

I don't know why a tobacco smoking device is on a site called F___Combustion.
I think this is a reasonable question that has come up before. @Gary-Airvape , is this device for vaporizing cannabis? Is this a smoking device?

@seedy53 , you have hands on with this device. Is it suitable for vaping cannabis flower?


Active Member
I think this is a reasonable question that has come up before. @Gary-Airvape , is this device for vaporizing cannabis? Is this a smoking device?

@seedy53 , you have hands on with this device. Is it suitable for vaping cannabis flower?
it's already been established as dual use with a massive chamber. idk how this keeps circling back to try and discredit this. Gary can be quoted on it being dual use. there are only 7 pages just reread the board. We need NEW INFO from Gary right now, like when the hell are the preorders shipping. Is it just the base model? was there an option to get porcelain or gold?

So Enso is an electric Shisha first. We designed in a way that it works as a giant vape. I mean, the bowl size is massive :)

It will have chamber heating as well as top heating, so all convection. The bowl can be switched to use for hookah style or flower/concentrate vape.
I mentioned before that was likely misnomer of the writer writing smoke as please tell me when you've every vaped shisha? or vaped with a hookah.

Like trust me from my huge amount of time doing support for a 3 letter other vape company People will call it smoke ignorantly even after all the years of vapes and products being out. Combustion is just all too common and even now the common nomenclature for consuming cannabis is still seen as smoking. I mean I have moments where i just use smoke as a colloquial term like "I need to smoke" but i just really want a dab or to hit my ball vape.

I wouldnt get hung up on a users review article hyping the thing. The company that makes it and verbiage otherwise highly suggest vaporization product. Airvape doesnt make combustion tech and it openly states they are using airvape for the vape tech. So all in all it goes back to...

staircase slight of hand

Well-Known Member
Airvape doesnt make combustion tech and it openly states they are using airvape for the vape tech.

Who is “they”? From everything I’ve seen, this is a 100% Airvape product, with the “colab” aspect of the production simply being the usual smoke and mirrors. @Gary-Airvape is the only one here in the position to actually clarify wtf is going on (including easy questions like “who is Ensoshisa??), but I think we all know that’s not going to happen, sadly.
staircase slight of hand,


Well-Known Member
I think this is a reasonable question that has come up before. @Gary-Airvape , is this device for vaporizing cannabis? Is this a smoking device?

@seedy53 , you have hands on with this device. Is it suitable for vaping cannabis flower?
ensoshisha vape is 100% convection with mj/hemp flower, concentrates and drift-sift hash. i used all 3 products multiple times.
i never used tobacco vap function. that tobacco vap function was tested in eu, i think.
MJ products work well, i like it.
i'm done enso testing and the test unit is being returned and boxed up.
the production unit will be a superior unit, i'm told and i'm sure it will be.
airvape is a responsible company and worked very hard to make this hookah style vape unit into a multi-role device and i think they did a good job doing so.
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Well-Known Member

With its water filtration system, it can vaporize herbs, resins, concentrates... as well as products such as shisha tobacco, producing a consistently fresh, flavorful vapor.

⚠️ This product is available by pre-order only: by pre-ordering, you accept the possibility of further delays.
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