STOP!!!!! Please stop. I'm an English teacher and you're killing me. LMAO j/kAnd then, if you drug her off and hung her. . .
STOP!!!!! Please stop. I'm an English teacher and you're killing me. LMAO j/kAnd then, if you drug her off and hung her. . .
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your post but it sounds like you are talking about the days when anorexia was popular or at least bulimia. The post Twiggy days. Women have not fully returned to what was considered a normal weight before that. Most of the teen girls I see are fairly slender. Giant boobs are not really weight related anyway and unless these teens are getting breast surgery they are more related to genetics. (Or are you joking?)Show me a town where the women still wear white gloves and......... I'm moving there. LOL
Ah, the days when men were men and women actually weighed less than the men and had smaller beer bellies.
I find the people of the 21st century to be rather disgusting in appearance compared to last. Remember the floor wax ads with the woman waxing the floor in her long dress and heels. LMAO Now, everyone looks like Pizza the Hut. I drive by the high schools and see girls with GIANT boobs and boys with FULL beards. Most of the girls are close to 200 pounds already. Maybe that's just here in the Midwest. I can only imagine the pain these kids are going to suffer when they reach my age. If they ever do.
Sorry, I'm not interested in taking a trip back to the fifties and early sixties. where women were treated like second-class citizens.
Yeah but they were thin and wore white gloves and hats. . . you can't have everything
Yeah but they were thin and wore white gloves and hats. . . you can't have everything
Time travel to the fifties maybe. I doubt most women would choose that decade though.Remember Marilyn Monroe? Anything but Twiggy. LOL Times change, as do styles and preferences.
50's were white gloves and full figured women. Early/mid 60's were Twiggy and Goldie Hawn. Mid/Late 60's were flower child women. By the 80's it was just pretty much fat sloppy broads. LMAO My kingdom for a girl my age with a belly smaller than mine (29") and, hopefully a chest as big (46") ...... LMAO j/k
Remember The President's Council for Physical Fitness? Wonder what happened to THAT council? Probably old and fat by now. LMAO
Lots of things besides style have changed since then.![]()
My mother has repeatedly told me that the 1950's were the best time of her life. I can understand that as WW2 was over, her and my father were just eloped/married, and the boom generation was starting. They had an awesome 50 years together which she would never change.Time travel to the fifties maybe. I doubt most women would choose that decade though.
I don't find your comment funny at all and your emoji extremely inappropriate. I seriously doubt your reply is even true, and if it is, maybe in your case the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.I grew up watching my drunken Dad beat the shit out of my Mom. Funny how different 2 families can be.![]()
I thought he meant it sincerely. Its just a stark contrastI don't find your comment funny at all and your emoji extremely inappropriate. I seriously doubt your reply is even true, and if it is, maybe in your case the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
I can see why you badge yourself as "the fool" . . ..
I don't find your comment funny at all and your emoji extremely inappropriate. I seriously doubt your reply is even true, and if it is, maybe in your case the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
I can see why you badge yourself as "the fool" . . ..
Fuck you bud. It is absolutely true. You can post lies and bullshit about your make-believe fantasy parents but if I make an honest post about my life you make some rude comment.
Click the ignore button would you please.
While I did not have parents, and grew up in dozens of foster homes... Some of the homes I lived in were as @t-dub described. I also witnessed many other families that lived the same way.. with respect and dignity.You can post lies and bullshit about your make-believe fantasy parents
You spoke wisely. Much respect to you.Can we all try to be a bit more civil now? 2 warning points in a couple posts is too much.