ADHD maybe?


420 Gamer
I can't exert any energy to get started on my work nor can I push myself to even continue if I did. And now the tasks are piling on top of me nd Im suffocating in work that needs to be done. :< depression\anxiety kicking in. Whats wrong with me? Any1have similar experience? How did you resolve?

From Samsung Mobile


Downward spiral
I go thru same thing sometimes. Probably some kind of depression for me. I find getting out and about helps a bit. Go to the store, walk thru park, take my work outside(obviously only if possible), bike riding is new thing I'm trying, maybe get some human contact. Anything to help break out of the rut of the normal routine. It is hard to find motivation sometimes even though I know I have to do things and why. I wish you well. Keep posting if it helps, lotta good listeners(and talkers)here!


Yeah, don't give are certainly not alone feeling this way...I tend to be rough with myself...this works for me...ymmv..


420 Gamer
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the replies. Yeah, I just feel buried under loads and loads of work. Maybe not sleeping contributes to the whole negative feeling. I'm a college student, specifically a pre-pharmacy student, so the work load is getting to me. It's just sooo depressing waking up every morning with a whole list of tasks to do, and going to bed knowing that there is going to be another large list of tasks to do the very next day. I'm losing motivation every single day under these conditions, I no longer have the motivation to start any of my tasks recently nor do i have the motivation to continue them if I did start. Unfortunately for me, that means that the tasks keeps piling up. Right now it all seems too heavy to even tackle. I never been a "good" student, due to lack of consistency, but I am a smart guy. Sorry for any repetition I have throughout my posts, I guess that I am just venting. I'm debating whether or not to see a psychiatrist, maybe they could help me talk through my problems/provide answers to my problems.


Noob Saibot
First, I totally know that feeling. I get it ALL the time now.

Here's something you can try that works for me, most of the time:

I am a very visual person.

If I make a checklist with huge circles to check off/fill in (think powerball lottery ticket)..I can see everything I need to do.

Then slowly, try to finish each thing one by one, and it doesn't have to be in order.

It doesn't matter if it's something small on that list, checkign it off makes me feel just as good as the big thing.

Then as I finish things one by one, I check it off with a huge marker, even going as far as blocking out the words, or scratching them out like crazy.

It's easier to finish one thing at a time, even if it's super easy! That feeling might motivate you to finish more.

Hope you can try it out, and it works for you.


420 Gamer
I will give that a try Sessnet! thanks for your reply. However, I have tried something like this before and the only problem that I had with it is keeping the list. I tend to do well for 1 week then the next would come along and i'd do fine for the first couple days. Then I just fall right out of the training.
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Herbal Alchemist
If I make a checklist with huge circles to check off/fill in (think powerball lottery ticket)..I can see everything I need to do.

Then slowly, try to finish each thing one by one, and it doesn't have to be in order.

It doesn't matter if it's something small on that list, checkign it off makes me feel just as good as the big thing.

This is exactly what I do everyday. If I don't get to an item, I just move it to the next day. Sometimes it's physical illness that prevents me from doing things, but often times it's the ADHD making things hard. I'm a naturally hyper person too, which also makes it hard to concentrate and focus.

One time a friend told me that cannabis makes me "normal." :lol: Meaning, I am so hyper that it slows me down to "normal person" speed, along with helping me focus.

My mind is always racing too, but it's only a problem when I'm trying to fall asleep. Vaping cannabis before bed helps my mind slow down as well.


420 Gamer
Electric shock xD Turk, you definitely do it for the LOLZ


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a classic state of depression to me. I've suffered from it. I've been hospitalized because of it. Even got suicidal because of it. Was prescribed various drugs over the years to deal with it from Wellbutrin to Prozac, etc etc etc. None of them worked. They just made me really tired. The ONLY thing that has worked for me and has continued to work for me for over 10 years straight now is..............exercise. As a matter of fact, if I skip running for 3 days in a row, I can begin to feel that depression starting to creep back in. As long as I'm running, I'm fine. It really is a chemical thing going on in the brain. To me, it really feels that way. Running seems to balance it all out.


...seriously is quite common to feel this way in the college experience...I graduated from a certain school (many years ago) ...where some students would jump off gorges...not good...there is not a real high level of support for those in need, and many are still insensitive to this plight...I sincerely hope you weather this and just remember this is just a moment in time...this too will pass...


Revolting Peasant
Vaping doesn't help me when I feel like this. I lose motivation and procrastinate. If you're still vaping I'd recommend a t-break myself to see if it works for you.

I also use a free web app called Remember the Milk. I don't know if anyone else uses anything similar, but this has revolutionised my life and productivity. You enter your task along with a due date, completion time and priority level, then forget about it, and this programme basically organises my life for me. Each morning it sends me an email with the tasks I need to complete that day. If I have a spare hour at home, I can ask it to just pull up all my upcoming @home tasks that take less than 1hr and choose the ones with the highest priority. It stops the list being overwhelming.

Because the programme is in charge of the massive and complex list, and changes/updates it automatically, it's somehow harder to manipulate or disregard it the same way as if I were in control and I find myself more inclined to adhere to the list. Overdue tasks appear in the overdue section until I do something about them- and I can't let them build up. For me this really works and I recommend anyone who's a procrastinator, or even anyone, to give it a go.


...been procrastinating about dying for many years...eventually I'll get around to it...


Well-Known Member
...been procrastinating about dying for many years...eventually I'll get around to it...

Which reminds me, I saw an interview with Ted Turner (founder of CNN) the other night and he was asked what he wanted printed on his tombstone when he died. He said that he wanted printed on his tombstone:

"I have nothing more to say.........."

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420 Gamer
I stopped vaping for at least a week. xD I know that doesn't sound long, but its pretty long for me. This problem persisted even before I started vaping. I can still remember having the same problem in 6th grade, but I didn't know how to convey to others my problems back then. But yeah, i'll definately try to take T-Break to see if it helps. And the "Remember the milk" thing is definately something ill give a try. Thanks!

@IWein That might explain alot. I actually stopped being as physical entering college due to the amount of work I have. I can't seem to fit in any exercise. So i live a pretty sedated lifestyle. I will change that A.S.A.P.

Thanks for the tip guys!


....there is definitely inherent value in exercising, when one is experiencing good to yourself.
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Well-Known Member
I've pretty much always had that, but if it's something I enjoy it's no problem. even things that usually wouldn't be considered as purely entertainment(like spending hours reading articles online looking up things about a ceryain subject I found that's interesting, will spend a few days like that and go a while without again untill I find the next subject)
in highschool a teacher once said to me I was a strange/interesting case, since I wasn't fully demotivated like the usual demotivated and underachieving students, but I was just demotivated for schoolthings, but not in learning in general

I noticed I'm most productive under optimal conditions. enough and good sleep(in my preferred shedule), enough free time and relaxation, etc. and even under those conditions I spend a lot of time procastrinating. but, even in my procastrination I can be productive since I will do the smaller or more pleasant tasks to feel less bad about not doing the task I'm procastrinating for. and that way it also builds up less, altough sometimes I make up new simple tasks wich have no urgency

what I have noticed is that not vaping only makes it worse. I actually had some stuffto do today, did work on it the previous days but only a little each day. so I had decided to today do a big portion, and to only vape after it. should've known better, without vaping I'm even lazier, and time flies by a lot faster if I'm sober. so while I was just quickly checking some things online a few hours went by.
I actually have experienced this before, but as I haven't tried ot for a while I start disbelieving my own experience again. once I wanted to keep a tolerance-break of a week, had to break it up after a few days since time flew past so fast without any task, and worst of all it was even more difficult to to get up early.
this aplies to a free time-environment tough, I've never liked being high in a school/work invronment since as I said time flies by a lot faster if I'm sober. so it's perfect to extend and maximise my free time. but tasks that have to be performed at home are what I said really aplies to.
one of my favorite evade-tasks now in spring is gardening, it's something I love(especially high), and requires regular time-investment this time of year, and it's a task I have to do for the future(harvesttime), so it's pleasure and task-completing at the same time. but for that reason it tends to be good at pushing away other tasks...

the problem is, I could force myself to do a task, but if I'm not into it at that moment it just won't go and I get nothing done. untill the last day when it finally has build up enough. so another technique sometimes try is to stress myself. I'm not rea;;y someone that stresses easily, but soetimes I wish I was. but I can stress myself a bit, in my head increasing and overestimating the importance and consequences of the task at hand, trying to convince myself it's really hard and I will have a very hard time etc.
sometimes it works, sometimes it backfires and sometimes no effect(when I can't convince myself of the importance and so don't get any stress).

what also works is frequent breaks, whenever I notice my attention dwindling I watch some tv for a while or do something else for myself, vape some. while performing the task I will also vape but just an incidental hit/puff, to keep it at a reasonable buzz but not too strong either.


420 Gamer
I work great under stress too. When the deadline is near, i can spend all day and night on a project. For my SAT i studied for 2 days straight with 6 hours of sleep each day. I can't make myself productive when vaping though. I tend to laydown, eat cheetos, and watch tv xD

Thanks for sharing your story! :)


Vapeosaurus Rex
I would HIGHLY recommend an exercise regimen. It helps a lot! I read somewhere that students now a days are more depressed due to higher work loads and more demand from teachers + higher expectations, etc.

Staying active with weight lifting, anaerobic high intensity interval training, swimming, hiking, and of course healthy eating keeps me sane. Your body is your temple and you have to take care of it because it's what we are living in. Make your body and your mind priority in caring for yourself, the homework will always be there, your body wont.


Vapor Sloth
...when all else fails...there's always electric shock...:nod:
Warm up the paddles and put in the bite guard! :freak:

On a more serious note, being a pharmacy student, have you looked into Lithium Orotate? Thats Lithium bonded with orotic acid? Allows the mineral (lithium) to cross the blood-brain barrier in low/non-toxic amounts. I use it with excellent results, its inexpensive and OTC/GCaS.
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VapingDitto, i feel you man! I'm going through my thesis right now and it has been the most difficult thing i had to do in college. Not because it is hard or a lot of work, although it kind of is, hehehe.
It is just hard to sit down and do what i HAVE to do while it is not too late! And if it is too late and all is lost, i just can't seem to organize my priorities and instead i kind of think of all the things i need to do at the same time in my head and then black it out and continue doing something else just to avoid the problem.
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